Fear Me Dear

Wickham Academy

I laid in the meadow gazing up at the deffning sky with my blue guitar,Shirly, straped lightly against my chest. Birds had just began settling down,the sweet noises that burst out of their throats were now going silent as dawn approached and the air grew dense and cold. The autumn leaves gathered in a blanket on the ground and as i watched the sun set, i became apart of the ground and let them shower and spread around me. I felt so alive and invinsible, nothing was perfect but it wasn't horrible either. The invincibility of this moment was beautiful, I could remember it so perfectly.I was only 15 at the time and music was my life ;it was days like these that i brought my guitar out with me to sit in the cold field and play till my fingers were raw and felt like they would fall off.

I was enjoying my particular evening until the sun was out of site and the sky became pitch black. Street lights didn't seem to come on until 10 and it got dark around nine. The walk back to my house was time consuming and a hassle but it was always worth the struggle. Usually when i got home everyone was running about the house in their own little worlds busy with some random activity and the house would smell of freshly cooked meals. My mother was a great cook and could whipp up about anything and make all five of your senses yearn for it. But as i walked up my steep drive way the lights were off though all the cars were neatly parked in the driveway.
I walked inside suspecting nothing but as i went to turn the lights on...no light shone from the bright lights.
The electricity was out and a cold hand quickly grabbed me in the house and shut the door behind me.


" Gerard..." He voice was emotionless and soft.

The strange thing about George is he comes right after a kill as if he knew what was going to happen but was too busy at the time to stop what he was doing and save me from doing this to her. He is the like the hero who always makes it too late..a couple days late.. His tall slender figure lingererd in the doorway and his green eyes looked to the girl laying motionless on the floor. I could tell he was thinking about her warm blood flowing from the gash i left on her throat which was now crusty and glued shut with blood. I wasnt sure if i should smile at him or let the guilt consume me. Georges eyes flickered to my hostile eyes in such an idescrete way that left me speechless. It was logical to feel some shame for my actions but with his eyes glaring at me with such uncertainty it was as if he was in control of my feelings at this moment. Finally after moments of staring he let his gaze drop and sighed. We both knew what was coming next so i began to pack my things as he fixed himself some coffee.

My one bedroom apartment was mostly empty space. Empty space with no meaning and no reason for fufillment. I had nothing to obsess over and show off to put on the shelf, no big tv to put on a stand and sit around all day, no artsy paintings to decorate the bland pale walls, no furniture to laze around on but my one lounging chair. It was me, my few clothes, my cat, and my notebooks. Those were the only things that mattered, discluding me.

" Your going to like this place Gee." whether it was the way he said it or the smile that perched upon his face it made me mad. It felt like he had been waiting for the moment for me to screw up one more time to have a ligitamet reason to dump me on someone else so i would no longer be his problem. The rest of the car ride was quiet. The low humming of the car seemed to be the only sound besides the sound of Georges heartbeat, one after the other. I felt so anxious...Wickham Academy was no wonderland, more like an assylm for crazy, blood-thirsty vampires, like me. Basically long story short: I had seven hours to worry about all of that,and it went by painfully slow, but as soon as we pulled up to the huge black gate, all the hatred, fear, anger, nervousness, and anxiety rushed back. From my view it looked like a huge gothic tower, it was beautiful and the courtyard was stunning. The sun was nearly down when we set foot on the pavement and began unloading things from the car.
"Excuse me but all of those belongings will not be necessary here on campus," a tall man with a creepy thin frame said in a exuberant voice.
"Here at Wickham Academy, we provide all clothing and personal needs for our students".
"Fine, but im not leaving Edward." I reached in the back seat and brought out my orange and white cat who seemed grumpy since i had woken him up. The tall creepy man just sort of gave a queesy nod of somewhat approval and continued speaking.
" You must be Gerard Way, Welcome. We here at Wickham Academy will be glad to have you with us.I will have Serena show you to your dorm and give you a tour around campus." With a blow of a silver whistle around his neck, in the blink of an eye a tall slender girl looking about 17 with long red hair appeared and smiled up at me graciously.

" Hello, im Serena. I will be your official guide for the day, don't hesitate to ask, or i might just have to read your mind." She said this so casually and added a smile to the end of her sentence.

" Oh, yes! Serena is very gifted witht the ability to read minds. Isn't she just equisite?" The tall man gazed fondly upon her and then let his smile drop as he looked back to me.
" well i suggest you too should get going"

" Come on Gerard, Lets go to the council to get your schedule made out." With a guesture of a finger she led me out of hearing distance of George and the tall creepy man.

I couldn't help but think of how beautiful she was... Her long red hair fell to the small of her back and her blue eyes contrasted with her pale face and pink lips. The curve of her nose seemed perfect and her body was flawless. Of course all vampire girls seemed like goddesses; I learned from george that they adapt once changed and become extremly beautiful no matter how ugly they had once been. They are predators and in order to catch pray they have to allure their victims with beauty. In the midst of my admiring she comes to a hault and looks towards me letting her fake smile fade.
" Oh and don't even think about it. Im way too old for you. Looks can be decieving little boy, besides your totally not my type." with the flip of her hair she took two big strides ahead of me smiling as if she made some big accomplishment.

It wasn't even my first 10 mins and already i hated this school. Only 4 more years to go.