One to Many Mistakes

First and only chapter.

I watched through the darkness as a dirty, white station wagon pulled into the car park. It's front lights bounced along the uneven surface of the road, as the driver slowly pulled in. They almost blinded me in the process. I was tempted to run. The light burned my eyeballs, making me cringe at the pain. I would have run to, but I had to stay and do what I came here for. I'd spent to much time to let this go because of a bright light. Another burst of light drifted up from the car to the branches of the tree where I was. It burned my eyes more then the first time, and I had to look away. Stick with it...stick with it...ugh... It could be worse. I told myself, They could have spotted you. But of course they wouldn't have, as usual. I blinked a few times as my vision returned, before placing my gaze back on the station wagon.

I smiled to myself, as I watched the elder male in the car (he looked to be in his early 20s,) opened the drivers side door and pushed himself out. He smiled at his passenger, and assured him "I won't be long. Stay in the car.". He walked towards the lights of the supermarket leaving his precious cargo all alone.

Mistake one....

The older man didn't look around to make sure he would be safe, Not even seeing the stranger looking down, watching his every mood; Not seeing me. I watched him enter the store, and disappear into the isles.

Now that he was gone, I had precious little time to do what I came here to do, and had been waiting to do until darkness had fallen over this part of the world. I jumped down for the up most branches of the tree.

Time to make my move.

I landed with a small thud in a squatting position at the tree's base. I looked forward to the car, to see if that pretty little thing had seen me. No.. he was still fixing up his hair. I stood, and moved quietly behind the tree I'd been stationed in, before quickly fixing my gaze back on him. I watched him let out a long sigh, before him turned and pulled on the door handle.

Mistake two.

he opened the car door, and it whined in protest. I watched as one long, thin leg slid out, bare footed, on to the ground, quickly followed by another. Control yourself...just wait.. I told myself as he slid himself forward to the edge of her seat before pulling his small frame up from the seat with the aid of the door.

I could fell the sharp points of my top teeth pushing on my bottom lip already.
"God damn, such a gorgeous boy. What a shame," I thought to myself, shaking my head.

He stood there in front of me... The best looking thing I’d seen around here for awhile. His long, dark, straight hair sinking perfectly onto his partly expose chest. It flicked out on the collar of his blood-red shirt that clung tightly to his body. This along with a pair of painfully tight jeans that covered his legs and hips was what had drawn me to him. He was just to damn sexy to pass up.

He turned around, flicking his fringe sideways through the air and throwing off a beautiful fruity scent which I inhaled deeply. By now my instincts were starting to take over. It wouldn't be long until I wouldn't be able to control it anymore. I rolled my head around in a circle, cracking my neck. I pulled myself out of my thoughts, and back to the task at hand.

I kept my gaze on him for what seemed like forever, watching him lean in through the passenger side window and grab a packet of cigarettes. He walked a little away from the car, to the entrance of a near by alley way and lent up against one of the wooden polls.

Mistake three.

He pulled one of the cigarettes out of the blue packet and placed it between his lips. From the same packet, he then produced a red lighter. I watched as the sparks from the lighter flew a few centimeters before burning out. He tried about 6 times, shaking it in between. He then huffed and threw it across the parking lot, pouting the whole time. I couldn’t help but chuckle at that, but it didn’t last long.

I felt that all to familiar feeling in my chest, slowly rising up into my mouth. I could taste it... it wasn't something new. I felt it swirling around my gums, and settle in my teeth, making them ache.

If I could stop it I would. But It to late, out of my control. It's so hard to stop myself. I really do try, really. But I haven't once had success in doing so. To look across at that at him and to think that he was going to suffer the same fate as me, with so much to look forward to just tore me up.

What a waste, I thought to myself, as I shook my head.

I felt my teeth come free of their fleshy prison. I tried to push it away still, but there was nothing I could do but follow what i was feeling. I closed my hazel eyes sharply, bowing my head. I hissed at the pain as my hair fell over my face. Then it stopped. In just seconds, I'd changed from being normal to what I really was on the inside. I opened my eyes just as quickly as I had shut them and looked forward. They now shone a colour of that similar to lemons; showing just how sour I truly am.

I smiled to myself, my worst side shining now. I stood and walked out from behind the tree carefully, one step after the other. I saw him whip around as I stepped on a small branch, making it crack.

"wh..wh..who's there?" he said, frozen still in fear.

"Aw... Don't be scared sugar..." I said smiling as I stepping out from the shadows of the trees.

"Oh it's you!" he said, taking a few steps forwards, smiling. "What do ya want?"

"I just wanna talk.." I said grinning slyly and taking steps forward. I backed him up against the car door and looked him right in the eyes.

"Well...w...what about?" he stammered still smiling. I chucked and dropped one of my hands to his hips. I moved the strands of his hair out of the way and proceeded to move my face into the nape of his neck, planting butterfly kisses up to his ear. I could smell the sweetness buried just under his skin, all I had to do was take it. I could've sucked the life right out of him then and there.

But I didn't.

"What's your name?" I said in a low tone into his ear.

"My name? You know my name." he said, giggling. I nodded.

"Yes... your name sweetie.... of course I know that... but it escapes me.... Remind me, won't you?"

"My names... uh… It’s Jackson... Remember?" he said, relaxing just a little as I continued to kiss around her neck. It was right there. The warmth lingered under my icy lips, just waiting, As was I now.

If he suspected anything he wasn't showing it at all. It'd be no fun if he'd know the truth of me, nor if he'd known what was about to happen either.

"Nice name… Mind if I call you Jay?” I lifted my head and smiled. He smiled back sweetly.

“Sure. As long as you tell me you name?” He said cheekily. I thought for a second, still grinning. What would it hurt? Not like he was going to tell anyone after tonight anyway.

“My names Del.” I said, and he smiled.

"I want to give you some adivce Jay..." I said, getting my face right up to his, so our lips brushed as we spoke. He nodded again, biting his lip ring.

I grinned at him, then pushed my lips to his as lightly as I could so he could still feel it. I lingered for a second; letting him snake his arms around my neck, deepening the kiss, then quickly pulled away and looked him straight in the eyes with a cold stare.


"w-what?" he said, his mouth agape. I looked down, feeling my eyes glass over, my teeth become sharper, and my hunger swell in my stomach.

"I said...." I took a deep breath, before looking up again.

"RUN!" I snarled. I’m sure he could see my golden eyes and inch and a half long fangs by now. I felt them digging into my bottom lip as I smiled, drawing blood.

He gave me a look of shock and horror mixed together. He whimpered, and I moved away to give him space to run away. He dragged his eyes to mine, and I watched his face melt into a scream. Then he bolted.

"I'll give you a head start darling!" I laughed after him, and started to stroll along behind him, the heavy thud of his feet echoing just meters in front of me, mixed with the sound of sobs.
I love it when they cry.
♠ ♠ ♠
1,574 words.

As said, Constructive critisim would be great. =]