Her New Disguise is Butterflies


Dad grounded me for eternity, but I walked out of the house anyway. He still thinks I'm laid in bed mindlessly watching Saturday morning telly, bored to death, feeling sorry for myself. I'll be in even worse trouble when I return home from my outing, but to be quite honest, I don't care what he does. He can stick my head in a guillotine and cut it off for all I care. I puked on Josh. That was the last thing I wanted to happen last night. I was hoping to kiss him or something, not puke all over his bloody jeans. He was sweet about it though, but I could feel the disgust radiating off his body. I apologised over and over until I was gasping for air. I felt awful, inside and out.

So, I'm currently sat with my head on Polly's shoulder on a bench in the park. My hair is stuck up everywhere, because I just dragged a brush through it this morning and I reek due to me not having a shower. I've even come out in my pyjama bottoms, that are yellow and decorated with Spongebob's. I've already made a fool out of myself, so why not embrace it and do it some more?

Libby's sat on the other side of me in a state of daydream. Her eyes are all glazed over and she has this stupid smile on her face, and she keeps sighing all dreamily. I've asked her why she's so happy, but she won't tell me. Her lips are sealed as she so cryptically said about half an hour ago.

Sacha is currently laid in the grass with none other than Max Heyler, the boy whom she'd called an idiot, holding his hand and kissing him. The image of the two of them in pure happiness burned my eyes, so I closed them. She got over Matt incredibly quickly, didn't she? Lucky sod.

"Polly, what am I going to do?" I mumbled, sadly.

"I don't know, Blissy, I really don't. Tell me what happened again," she said, stroking my hair, trying to smooth it down.

I pulled my knees up into my chest and sighed. "He came upstairs to see if I was okay after he'd talked with my dad, and then, then," my voice quivered and I could feel tears spring to my eyes, "I was going to launch into a huge story about how much fun I'd had and I puked on him."

Sacha giggled from the grass and Max's lips attacked her. I wanted to kick both their brains out and let them litter the grass for someone's pet dog to find as a tasty snack.

Polly sighed. "Did he say anything?"

"No, he just grimaced. He did say that it was fine, that his jeans weren't important and stuff, but I still feel really bad about it. I kept apologising, and stuff. He smiled at me and Joanne cleaned him up, but I could feel the disgust radiating off him. He probably thinks I'm a stupid little girl that can't handle her drink."

"It's my fault really for getting you strong stuff."

"But you didn't open my mouth and force it down my throat, did you?"

"No, but still, when it's there you drink it, right? I'm sorry, Bliss. Maybe things will turn out okay."

"Or maybe they won't," I mumbled, the tears escaping my eyes and dripping down my cheeks.

"Guess who?" I spun around to see Matt stood behind Libby, a grin on his face, as he covered her eyes with his hands.

"Matt!" She squealed and wriggled out of his grasp, jumping up and kissing him forcefully on the lips. He grabbed her hand and they wandered off towards the swings in the playground.

"Wow. A lot changed last night, didn't it?" I asked, wiping my cheeks. Part of me was pleased that Libby had finally found some sort of happiness, that Matt was no longer having to run away from Sacha. I glanced at the two idiots rolling around in the grass and shook my head. Despising her that she always gets what she wants.

"Hey, wasn't expecting to see you out today," Josh's voice sent shivers down my spine and he sat in Libby's previous seat beside me on the bench. He reached out and wiped a stray tear from my cheek. "What's wrong?"

I jumped up as if he'd burnt me. "I'm sorry. I have to go," I mumbled, running off towards the park's entrance, ignoring Josh's calls for me to come back.

Bliss, you complete idiot.