Her New Disguise is Butterflies


"It's official, Sacha Cole! You and I are no longer friends!" I cried, standing in front of the mirrors in the girls toilets. We were already late for Wednesday morning's maths lesson. Meaning that on the first day back we'd be on Mr Balmer's bad side. What a fantastic start to the new school year.

Sacha giggled from beside me as I frantically tried to wash off the crusty toothpaste. "Sacha, please just go off to maths or find some pretty boy to seduce or something."

"Bliss, we've already had the boy conversation."

"And I'm giving it a day before you've got your eye on someone else. We do have older boys here, what with the sixth formers and all."

She sighed and folded her arms, leaning against the wall, then tapping the hand dryer so it began making the whirring sound that it does when it's pathetically trying to dry your hands for you.

The door swung open and Polly stepped inside, a frown on her face as she walked over to where we were standing. I was still rubbing at my nose with a wet paper towel, trying to scratch the stupid toothpaste off. I was planning to sue the company if I had to go around with a white and blue nose for the rest of my life.

"Bliss, what are you doing?" Polly asked over the noise of the hand dryer, a look of confusion crossing her features.

The whirring of the dryer stopped, making the toilets become silent.

"I put toothpaste on my spot to cover it up, because Little Miss Tart Face decided to be early today and my foundation wasn't working, and old Tart Face over there didn't tell me I still had toothpaste on my nose and Josh Franceschi has seen me looking like this!" I gabbled, still scratching at my nose.

Polly stepped closer to me, pulling my hands away from my face. "Well stop scratching it then, you'll make it bleed." She grabbed a clean paper towel, pressing the soap dispenser and allowing a blob of the cheap soap to fall onto the paper towel, before dabbing it on my nose, rubbing off the toothpaste.

I pulled away from her and glanced at my reflection in the mirror. So, at least I didn't have to sue any toothpaste companies this week, but it was still as red as the stop light on a set of traffic lights.

"There's not a lot we can do about the spot, since I forgot to bring my make up survival kit today, so just forget about if for now," Polly smiled at me.

"That's fine for you to say, you had enough time to cover up any spots you have with bloody concealer this morning, because you don't have Tart Face coming and banging on the front door ten minutes early," I growled, shooting a glare in Sacha's direction.

"Someone's in a bad mood," she grinned, "and anyways, I was eager to get to school, you know I love Mr Balmer's maths lessons."

"No, you love the fact that Rhys Maple sits on our table," Polly smirked at her.

Sacha folded her arms. "I so don't. I'm over Rhys Maple anyways, I'm looking for an older more mature boyfriend that won't just use me for one thing."

"Sash, you say that every single time."

She scoffed and pushed the swinging door open, stepping out into the corridor. Myself and Polly followed her out. The corridor was eerily quiet, apart from the shouts you could hear coming from Mrs Thompson's cooking class. She was never one to keep control and so she yelled and yelled like an army general. Not that anyone ever listened to her.

We started the walk along the corridor, heading towards the staircase to take us up towards the maths rooms. The sound of the doors opening overhead could be heard and then a shrieking sound and someone flashed past Sacha and Polly, falling into me and pushing me down onto the floor.

I groaned, pushing the body off me, ignoring the giggles that were coming from whoever the stupid idiot was.

"God, what is wrong with you?" Sacha asked, running down the steps towards me and helping me up to my feet.

The other body was now standing and grinning at us, small laughs escaping his lips whenever he looked at Sacha's angry expression.

"Well, you were in the way, I made it clear I was sliding down the banister," he defended, looking at me, before bursting into more giggles.

"Is she okay?" Another voice sounded from the top of the stairs. I knew that voice.

All of my insides melted and turned to mush. I was surprised I could actually stand upright. My brain however wasn't functioning properly and I just stared, my mouth agape as Josh Franceschi walked down the stairs towards us. Sacha nipped my arm roughly, but despite the sting on my bare skin, I ignored her, still staring at Josh.

"You know, I think maybe she hit her head. I should take her to the office and see if they can sort her out," Sacha said.

"We can take her," Josh offered, "we have a free lesson after all."

"We could totally miss maths, though," Polly cried, running down the stairs and standing at the other side of me.

I was pretty sure I looked gormless, standing there staring at Josh.

"It's fine, seriously, we'll take her," Josh sighed, glancing at his friend to see him still smirking, his eyes wandering across Sacha's body.

"Fine. But don't let your friend touch her, okay?" Sacha said, shooting a glare towards the one who'd knocked me on the floor.

I looked at her and tried to whimper. If she left me alone with him I knew I was going to make an idiot of myself. Not that I hadn't managed to do that already by wearing toothpaste on my nose.

Sacha leaned her lipgloss coated lips towards my ear and mumbled, "go with him, get him alone and try and kiss him." She leaned away from me and smiled sweetly. "We'll see you later then, if you're still alive."

I stared at her, my mouth opening and closing with no words coming out. She began walking up the steps, with Polly closely following her.

"Let's go then," Josh said, quietly, pushing my back gently in the direction of the office.

If I survived this, Sacha wasn't going to find a mature older boy to corner. Oh no. I was going to murder her in her sleep, and I totally wouldn't feel bad about it. And if I couldn't go through with the murder, I'd find a witch to make sure she ended up with blackheads and spots for the rest of the life. Then we'll see who's wearing a paper bag over their head.
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So Josh is staying....