Her New Disguise is Butterflies


The Princess was knocked from her horse by the King's careless Jester. Luckily for the Princess, her Prince caught her before she hit the ground. He promised to take care of her and make sure she was safe, until his final dying breath. At his words, the Princess' heart skipped a beat and she knew she was falling for the Prince. But would he catch her before she fell too hard?

It was needless to say, I felt like a small child being escorted to the office and having to sit through Josh re-telling the story of my false injury, I felt stupid. I could barely string a sentence together in his presence. The things boys do to us.

I was sitting in the medical room, which was a tiny box room that housed three hard plastic chairs, a sink and several buckets - no guesses for what they were used for. The room was like a tropical rain forest with the heat coming from the radiator and it smelt of vomit.

"Do you feel sick or dizzy or anything?" Josh asked.

I kept my eyes focused on the floor below us. I knew if I looked up and made eye contact with him, my internal organs would melt, again. I mean, they'd only just managed to re-assembled themselves. "No," I mumbled.

He sighed. "I'm sorry about Max. He can be a little hyper and over enthusiastic at times."

"Don't apologise. Every thing's fine. I'm fine. Sacha just over reacted, as she does."

"Then if you're okay, why are we sat in puke room?"

"Good question."

"Let's go before I either sweat to death or lose my sense of smell."

I nodded, picking my bag up from the dusty floor and following him out of the medical room. The three women in the office slash reception gave us suspicious looks.

"I thought you were sick? I was just about to call your mother," one of them began, in her snotty accusing tone.

"Step mother," I corrected, out of habit. "And I feel much better now. I'll be dancing through the corridors come dinner time."

Josh snorted from beside me and we headed off up the corridor towards the science rooms, since my chemistry lesson was due to start in around thirty seconds.

"I feel I need to apologise, for this morning, again. I've been wondering, why you had toothpaste on your nose," he smiled.

I glanced away from his face, trying to pull a believable and less embarrassing story together. "Funny story that, um..." The shrill bell echoed throughout the building, and students came pouring out of classroom doors. Saved by the bell, as they say.

"Then I guess I'll have to hear it some other time," he said.

I stole a glance at him. "Yeah, I could tell you now, but I don't want to risk - "

"Bliss Bradley!" I winced at Mrs Thorpe's tone. She was the one teacher I'd had to endure for my past four years of education and I had to suffer her for my last. Since, I was most certainly not taking on chemistry next year.

"I think you should go before her wig falls off," Josh leaned closer to me, whispering.

I nodded. "Yeah." I turned and slowly walked towards the classroom. Mrs Thorpe was standing in the door way, her arms crossed over her chest and a triumphant look on her naturally smug features.

"You can give the text books out, Bliss, you'll learn much more from those than you will from Mr Franceschi."

I threw my bag down on my usual table at the back of the room, then set to work throwing a heavy GCSE chemistry book on each table.

Mrs Thorpe was smirking at me all the time. From the word go, she'd hated me. All because she'd taught my dad when he was at school. He and his friends had attempted to poison her on several occasions and even made something explode in her face. So basically, she blamed me for all my dad's evil crimes. She hated me and I'd done nothing wrong.

Okay, so I lie, maybe I did once tell her she was a dinosaur. Well, she taught my dad for god's sake and he's nearing a hundred years old, so she must be bloody ancient.

"Bliss!" Sacha yelled, through the open door.

I tossed the final text book down and slumped over to her.

"Did you kiss? Feel his arse? Sex in the medical room?" Her grin widened with each suggestion.

I wanted to slap her around the side of the head with one of the heavy text books. "Effing tart," I mumbled. "No to all of the above."

"Miss Bradley, do you want detention?" Mrs Thorpe barked at me.

"No," I sighed, walking slowly to my seat and letting my mind wander away from chemistry and to a certain someone, whom I still had to tell that 'funny story'.