Her New Disguise is Butterflies


Thankfully, Mrs Thorpe's lesson wasn't too torturous. I did almost burn my fingers off with a bunsen burner, and accidentally spilled some acid on Ryan Porter's trousers, so it looked like he'd wet himself. All in all, chemistry hadn't been too bad for the first day back. I was just waiting for Mrs Thorpe to slip back into her usual ways, of constantly demanding answers from me, and asking me to help her with her dangerous demonstrations.

Lunch time was upon us. I was sitting beside Polly my forehead rested on her shoulder, whilst I filled her and Libby in on my disastrous morning. Boy wise disastrous, I mean.

"So basically, Josh Franceschi thinks she's a toothpaste wearing, sick faking weirdo," Sacha concluded, biting the top of her bottle open and tilting her head back to let the water slid down her throat.

My head snapped up from Polly's shoulder and I leaned across the table, squeezing Sacha's bottle roughly, so she choked and her face ended up covered in water, as did some of her perfectly straight hair.

"Eurgh, bitch," Sacha mumbled, wiping the water from her eyes, smearing her make up in the process. "I had something to tell you about Josh anyways, but clearly you don't care that much."

"What about him?" Polly asked, curiously, picking at her orange.

"He and his band are playing a small show on Friday night, and I think I have a way to get us into said show," Sacha explained, plucking her compact mirror from her bag and inspecting her face.

"And how do you suppose to do that? Flirt with the door men?" Libby asked.

"No, silly. Flirt with Franceschi's closest friends."

"Oh so you mean the idiot that knocked Bliss off her feet?" Polly asked.

"Yeah, either him, or there's another one I've seen him with. I have no idea what he's called, but he's not that bad looking, and maybe I could end up with the older boyfriend I've been wanting as well as sorting out Bliss' crappy love life."

I turned to face Polly. "Polly, dear, please do inform me why I'm friends with a certain Sacha Cole?"

Polly shrugged. "I do wonder myself sometimes, y'know. She is a bit tarty."

Sacha threw the plastic wrapping from her sandwich at us and I slapped it away from me, grated cheese covering the table.

"You're horrible to me. I'm trying to do a good deed here," she said, through a mouthful of cheese and bread.

I sighed, tapping the end of my nose. That spot certainly had gotten bigger. I grabbed the paper bag Libby had gotten with her lunch and placed it over my head, using my fingers to make eye holes.

"Wow, new fashion trend, paper bags on heads," Sacha mumbled, picking at her sandwich, which probably had a hell of a lot more cheap margarine on it, than cheese.

"I know. Great, isn't it?" I asked. I felt a presence beside me and someone chuckling. I turned my head, adjusting the paper bag so I could see through my tiny eye holes at who it was.

Josh was sat beside me. I groaned inwardly. Why did I always have to make a fool of myself when he was around? Why oh why?

"I suppose this is another funny story then?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yep." It's a good thing the paper bag was over my head, concealing my blushing cheeks as well as the hideous spot.

"Josh, you know on Friday night - " Polly began, until she yelped and Sacha shot her a look.

"What about it?" He asked.

"Nothing, nothing," Sacha said, cutting Polly off as she was about to speak again. "Who's your friend anyways?"

"Which one?"

"Not the fool that almost killed Bliss, but the other guy. The hot one."

"Sacha, stop being a tart for god's sake," Polly sighed.

The bag was whipped from my head and I heard Max cackling behind me. "You do the funniest things, seriously," he chuckled.

"Um, Bliss, you have something - " Josh began, reaching into my hair and pulling something wet and sticky from it, which I found to be a slice of tomato. Max grabbed the piece of food from Josh's hand and ate it. "Max, that's disgusting."

"Yeah, did you know - " Libby began with one of her super smart rants about things no one really wanted to know about, but she told us anyway.

I rested my head on Polly's shoulder and whimpered.

"I know, Bliss, I know," she soothed, "you can't help but make a fool of yourself.

The Princess would find a way to go to the ball.