Her New Disguise is Butterflies


The King had forbidden the Princess to go to the ball. The Princess knew she had to find a way around it. She simply had to go and be with the Prince, and nothing was going to stop her from doing so.

"Dad! Please, please, please, please, please can I go?" I pleaded with him through the bathroom door on Thursday morning. I'd been pleading all night last night, even sucking up to him wasn't working.

The bathroom door opened and dad stuck his head out, toothpaste froth all around his mouth and dripping down his chin. It was a lovely look for him to say the least. "For the last time, Bliss, no," he said, slamming the door and resumed his teeth brushing action.

I sighed in annoyance. "Please?"

"Bliss! Go and bugger off to school or something, go and harass someone else."

I stomped my foot like Oliver would if he wasn't getting his own way and flounced down the stairs. "I hate my life," I wailed, dramatically, earning myself a blank look from Joanne. "You'd let me go, wouldn't you, Joanne?"

She shook her head, "no, sorry, Bliss, but your dad's right. What if something happened to you at this show? Or what if someone did something to your drink or you lost Sacha and Polly and Libby? Then what would you do?"

"Okay, one, we're going to be stuck with Josh and his friends so nothing bad will happen to us, and two the power of text. I know you lived in the olden days when no one had a phone and you had to queue up at the phone box, and you had steel tubs that you filled with water and left by the fire for a bath and you had rations and Hitler was in power and stuff, but times have changed and I'm fifteen! I think I'm responsible enough."

"Bliss, stop being cheeky and get ready before Sacha comes, or do you want another repeat of yesterday morning?"

"I won't, because I got up extra early just in case Tart Face did decide to come early today, which she probably won't."

Joanne sighed. "Well why don't you go and wait outside for her then?"

"You and dad don't trust me do you? You think I'm some sort of junkie that drinks and takes drugs in pub toilets!" I wailed, again. I was in a mood to be dramatic this morning. "You know if Josh meets some other girl who's parents will let her go to his shows, I will never ever speak to you ever again. I'll move out and live in a cave in New Zealand or the North Pole, and you'll never find me, and the penguins and polar bears will be my only friends!"

"Bliss, just go."

I picked my bag up and slung it onto my shoulder, slamming the front door behind me and flouncing up the drive, just as Sacha had finally managed to walk up the road in her stupid shoes that clearly didn't fit properly and gave her ten ton of blisters.

"Did you ask your dad?" She asked, pulling her shoe off and inspecting her foot, which was covered in red marks and her skin was peeling from her little toe. Lovely sight at half past eight on a Thursday morning.

"I did, and he said no, but I'm working on it. I need to go to show Josh I'm not a total fool and that I can be grown up and that I don't wear toothpaste and paper bags all the time," I said.

"Of course you do. I'm going to stalk Matt today anyway, but not in a creepy way, in a nice way, make him notice me, so he'll ask if we're going and then he can get us inside, unless Josh has already said he will?"

I shook my head. "No, he hasn't. It was so embarrassing last night, Sash, I saw him in HMV and then my dad was about to give him the third degree for standing too close to me and stuff."

"Ohmygod, we're you and Mr Franceschi about to kiss?"

"No, god, Sacha, is that all you think about? No, he was talking to me and just standing near me, but you know my dad. He pretends he's not protective, but he clearly is."

"Well then, dearest Bliss, Plan Numero Deux comes into action here."

"And what exactly is that plan?"

"You lie, lie and lie again. Tell them you're going somewhere else, when in actual fact you're at the show. Ask Polly if you can stay at her house, or Libby's."

"And why not yours, my so called best friend?"

"Duh, I wanna try and get Matt back to my house."


She pushed my shoulder and I ran off down the road, knowing she couldn't and wouldn't run after me. One, because her shoes were cutting her feet to shreds and running would only intensify her pain, and two, she wouldn't want her hair to get too windswept now, would she?

I went crashing into someone and almost tripped over my own feet, but fell into a lamp post inside, smushing my nose against the green pole holding the light up.

I groaned and re-gained my balance, checking my nose wasn't broken. It was big enough as it was, I didn't need it broken to make it any worse.

"God, Bliss, you just can't help but get injured when we're around, can you?" Max asked, a smirk on his face. I wanted to slap him so badly.

"And it's always you that's injuring her," Josh defended, he looked at me sympathetically and took a step closer. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," I squeaked and then, still holding my nose, I ran off in the direction of school.