Five O' Clock Shadow

Chapter Seventeen

The ten minute ride home turned into five as my road rage took control of me. Everything whizzed by fast and blurry, and I'm ashamed to say I had tears of anger in my eyes. Lucy's face would not get out of my head, my dearest friend, my Lucy, hated me it seemed. I know I deserved it, my attitude was uncontrollable. Travis was right, this new Luke was a horrible person.

But Travis didn't know what happened. Travis didn't know anything about me anymore. My mind wandered to my father, and I wondered if he knew that because of his actions he had made his sons into. One, a raging alcoholic, maybe a druggie with a broken heart beyond repair, and the other some bastard who wants to make everyone around him hurt more then he does. The tears came out of my eyes as I came to terms with the fact that I can't blame him. Even though he's a bastard who deserves to rot in his cell for all eternity, I'm the one who controls my actions. No more excuses.

I pulled into my driveway and walked slowly into my house as my anger came into control. My mother wasn't home, and it was dead silent, now that I knew Derick was gone. I made myself some food, realizing how hungry I was because I refused to eat Travis's sandwich. I took out my phone and went to Travis's number, thinking of something to say, but closed it as I realized I wanted nothing to do with him. I am a jerk, but he had no right doing what he did today, forcing myself into that position. I don't know how I had ever almost loved him.

Instead, I went to Lucy's name. I opened a text and wrote "I'm so sorry." I realized I had nothing left to say. I'm sorry for lying to you? I'm sorry for wasting a year of your life? What does someone apologize for when they basically used the person that had kept them going? I decided to write, "I owe you everything, and then some. I hope you can forgive me one day. I love you,really." I sent the text, not expecting another back, but still hoping.

A few minutes later. she replied. "I think you owe Travis an apology."

I wrote back quickly. "No. No way. You're the person who's kept me going. I want nothing to do with him."

"He cares about you so much, Luke. I will forgive you if you forgive him."

Before I could reply, I got a text from Travis. "I"m sorry. I'm not taking back what I said, but I only had good intentions."

I texted Lucy back. "I forgive him. I can't say sorry enough. I'm going to try to change back to the old me for you, I promise."

"I can't wait to meet him. =p" she replied.

I smiled at her text as relief swept over me. I'd have to deal with Travis, but I still had Lucy. She was worth it.