Five O' Clock Shadow

Chapter Nineteen

Mylo didn't open my door for me when we got to the club. It's not like I was expecting him too, but it would have brought my hopes up a little bit.

Walking in, I had a strong desire to hold his hand. It was crowded, so we kept bumping hips and hands, each little contact making my face turn a darker shade of red. Thankfully it was a dark atmosphere. It smelled of sweat, booze, and pot.

"Mary Jane, oh Mary Jane, where art thou?" Mylo mumbled under his breath. Maybe he wasn't so naturally nutty after all.

"You smoke pot?" I asked him, curious.

"Once in a blue moon. Nothing too much, just the casual social high."

I nodded and kept following him, wondering if we were going to get pot tonight. And wondering if we did, what it would lead to...

"Aren't these guys fantastic?" Mylo yelled closely to my face, halfway through the show.

I nodded vigorously and smiled, the band really was good. However, I was having trouble focusing on them when Mylo was getting pushed so close to me constantly. My hope was wavering as I realized he wasn't as focused on me as I was on him. Maybe he was straight, maybe he just wasn't interested in anything more then friendship. I wasn't going to be able to contain my feelings for very much longer though, they were too strong.

The thrashing of the crowd stopped as the band finished it's last song. Guitars were winding down and the drummer was beating fancily on his drum as the audience clapped, and Mylo grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

"I want you to meet the guys," he told me, while I stared dumbly at him because of the fact he was holding my sweaty hand.

As soon as he let go I wiped my hands on my jeans, just in case he decided to grab it again. I popped a mint in too, just to be safe. My heart was beating a mile a minute because we were in a really closed dark hall way.

"Luke, are you alright?" he asked, concern covering his face.

"Just fine," i squeaked out, and he smiled back opening the door.

The room smelt strongly of sweat and pot. Body odor hit my nose first, and I tried just breathing through my mouth. I looked over at a corner and saw the drummer and the bassist passing a doobie, each of them sharing long black hair and tan skin.

"Mylo, my man," the singer clapped Mylo's hand, dragging him in for a hug. He wiped away his black hair from over his eyes, peering at me curiously and asked "Who's this?"

"My friend, Luke. Luke, this is Eli."

I shook Eli's hand and waved at the rest of the guys as my eyebrows furrowed at the word "friend." This was getting frustrating.

"He's not very friendly, but he doesn't bite," Mylo joked, dragging me to a couch by my shoulders and sitting closely next to me.

Mixed signals much? I'm thinking way too much into this. I took a deep breathe and smiled at the band as they gave up their names, congratulating them on their performance.

"How's Lick Your Lips doing?" The long haired drummer, whose name was Gary asked.

"Shitty band doing shitty. That's the way we like it."

I mostly listened in on the conversation, kind of feeling like I was intruding. My mind kept wandering to when we were going to leave, how I was going to tell him my feelings for him, and if I smelt as bad as these guys. I was still trying to breathe through my mouth unsuccesfully, making me look like a flopping fish. Also, there was so much pot in the room I was getting a little dizzy.

"You want a beer?" Mylo turned to ask me.

A beer. Beer meant staying a long time in most cases.

"No, I'm good, thanks though."

"No for me too, man. Gotta drive tonight," Mylo told the bassist, whose name was Pete.

"Suit yourself," the boy said, taking a long gulp and belching loudly. Mylo clapped and Pete stood up to take a bow. I mentally rolled my eyes, thankful that I could control the bad habit now. I didn't want to come off as rude, but I wanted to leave! I was starting to get nerves!

"You ready to go?" Mylo carefully whispered in my ear about a half an hour later. I looked at him and nodded, also trying to smile cute. He returned the smile with a surprised look on his face.

"We're gonna hit the road boys, I'll see you soon," Mylo said, getting up and saying goodbye to each of them. I stood at the door and waved when Mylo left before me.

The time is coming. It's now or never.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eli is pronounced EE lie
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