Five O' Clock Shadow

Chapter Twenty

"So how do you know them?" I asked Mylo, trying to start a conversation.

"Eli and I are family friends, he was always like an older, cooler brother for me."

"Do you have any siblings?"

"I have an older brother. He's in Iraq though," he answered, looking down.

"I'm sorry about that, I'll pray for him," I was itching to take his hand, but withheld my self.

"Thanks," he answered looking up and smiling. "How about you? Do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, an older brother too," I paused. "I don't really know where he is."

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"About a week ago," I said slowly. "He just kind of left," I felt my voice cracking as the depression tried to escape my hold.

"You want to talk about it?" he asked, pulling into his driveway.

We were at his house. "no, but I'd appreciate it if you kept my mind off it."

"Okay... but you're going to talk to me about it soon. I hope."

"Sure," I replied, getting out of the car and walking into his house.

His house smelled strongly of cigarettes and dust. It was a little dark.. but it definitely had a homey feel to it.

"Sorry.. it's kind of a mess," Mylo said, scratching his head.

"It's fine," I answered and then squeaked as I felt his hand on my lower back, guiding me through the hall.

"My room," he smirked, opening a door and jumping on the bed. It was very blue. He had a blue lamp, blue walls, and a blue bed. A black desk.

"Blue," I said.

"Yeah.. I fucking hate blue too. So what do you wanna do?"

Make out.

"Uhm.. I dunno. Anything I guess."

"Well take off your coat and sit down. Stay a while."

I smiled and obeyed his command, sitting next to him on his bed. My heart had turned into a humming bird.

What the hell. I was doing this. Now or never.

"Hey, Mylo?"

"Mhm?" he questioned.

I moved closer slowly, getting into a less awkward position. His eyes turned huge as I got closer, so I closed mine, praying he'd do the same. I leaned forward on my hands and touched his lips with my own. He was frozen solid. I scooted closer and put my han don his face, kissing a little harder. I pulled his head closer and kissed again, and again, and he still didn't move. I was getting frustrated so I put my tongue in between his lips, hoping something would happen.

Something did happen.

"Luke," he said, jumping back. He stood up and faced away from me.

I stayed silent.

He turned his head towards me.

"You just kissed me."

I nodded.

He blew out a shaky breath. "This is really weird for me. I'm sorry, I'm trying to keep calm."

I didn't have any words to say, so I just stared.

"i think... I think I should bring you home."