Five O' Clock Shadow

Chapter Eight

"Isn't it obvious?" I answered back in a monotone voice. Of all people to come into this classroom...

He came over and sat on the desk by me. "Want a cigarette?" he asked, smiling stupidly down at me. I took one and brought my lighter out, throwing it to him. No way was I lighting it for him again.

We sat in silence, smoking and he playing sudoku. He looked up suddenly. "Do you think that if you're trying to find a rhyme for a word, you should be allowed to use different languages?"

"Try to figure out how many things rhyme with quiet."

"With different languages?"

"Go for it."

He then took it upon himself to ramble things that all rhymed with quiet, and a bunch of words that sounded like gibberish. He even threw "Miet" in there.

"I think that's it," he wondered out loud halfway through period one.

"Obviously nothing can get past you," I answered, rolling my eyes.

"I'm not dumb, cuz," he said.

"How come you have to take it upon yourself to annoy the shit out of me?" I was tired of being nicey-nice.

"You mean brighten your day,"he said, his smile getting so big his eyes seemed to close.


"I like it. It's fun, and you'll warm up to me eventually."

"You are..."

"Witty? Charming?"


"I agree. Thank you."

I couldn't help it, I smiled.

"Ha!" he shrieked, jumping up on the desk and pointing down at me. "You! A smile!"

My face immediately went down. I stared at him blankly.

"Wow, I'll see that again in another eighty years. That's like Hayley's comet."

"I smile all the time! What is wrong with you people?!"

"No, you do this halfway smile "only because I have to thing.'"

"Everyone thinks they have me all figured out."

"Actually, not really. Most people just smile a lot more then you do. Also, you have these vibes spewing off you like your pissed off all the time."

"Did you ever happen to think that maybe it's because of the person I'm around?" I said sarcastically.

He leaned down close to my face. "I can feel different kinds of vibes," he said lowly. "Your welcome for the cigarette," he said, prancing out the door.