She Manages My Heart

Chapter Five

*Three weeks later*

Alex’s P.O.V

‘It’s too early’ I thought to myself, as I sat up.

I pulled the bed covers off my body; slowly got up and made my way out of Alison’s guestroom or my second home if you want to put it in her words.

I walked out into the kitchen and put some toast into the toaster. I leaned against the kitchen bench and sighed. I was startled when a familiar pair of arms wrapped around me in a hug.

“Get off me you loser” I laughed, pushing Alison off me.

“Aw someone’s cranky this morning” she pouted, taking her hands off me and standing back to face me.

“Well someone’s unusually happy again this morning” gesturing to her.

“Anyway it’s too early for me to be happy. I haven’t even had any caffeine yet” I added.

She laughed. “So what are you doing up this early anyway?”

“Well I was awoken by the sound of a hairdryer” I said giving her a dirty look.

“Well I’m sorry. Some of us do have jobs to go to in the morning.”

“Excuse me, I do have a job. I would rather stay at home in bed though.”

She raised an eyebrow and scoffed, “Alex if I had a dollar every time you said that I would be a millionaire.

“Ok, Alison that line is to cliché. You so need some new material.” I said with a laugh.

She replied by giving me the finger.

There was silence for a moment until I spoke. “So Alison, where are you going today? Because the last time I checked that wasn’t your usual attire for work.”

I smirked as she let out a grunt of discomfort.

“In fact, I haven’t seen you in your normal work attire for the past few weeks now” I added.

“Well I just felt like a change” she said softly, looking down at her feet.

“Alison, just stuffing tell me already” I said in a pissed voice.
“Tell you what?” she said pretending she didn’t no what I was talking about.

“Where have you been going for the past few weeks? Fiona told me you haven’t been coming into work. Just tell me for god sake!” I yelled at her, putting my hands on my hips.

She looked me straight in the eye and then walked off towards her bedroom.

“Where are you going?” I questioned.

“Out” she said walking back into the room with her favourite black, shoulder bag; hanging off her left shoulder.

Before I could argue some more, there was a knock at the door. I sighed and then walked to open the door.

“Wait, Alex! Don’t open the door!” Alison yelled form behind me.

“What. Why not?”

“Because, because I want to open the door” she said, looking just as surprised by her answer as me.

I gave her a funny look and then turned back towards the door. But what I opened the door to, wasn’t what I expected.

Alison’s P.O.V

I closed my eyes and waited for what was to happen next. I knew who was at the door and I was hoping that I could answer it before she could. I had planed on saying it was Ian asking me if I wanted to join him for coffee so It wouldn’t raise any suspicion. Pity she got there first.

I opened my eyes to see Alex open mouthed, in shock. Billie, Tre and Mike just stood there, oblivious to what was happening.

Then was a moment of silence. Mike suddenly had a look of realization and turned to Alex. “You’re Alex, right?”

Alex opened her mouth but then closed it again when I answered for her. “Yes guys this is Alex” I said grabbing my shoulder bag. “It would be great to stay here and have a chat but we have to go. Okay bye Alex, remember to lock the door on your way out” I added, walking over to the door, grabbing Mike by the arm and slamming the door behind me, leaving a very shocked Alex still standing at the door with a look of awe on her face.

“Well that went well” Billie said smugly as we walked towards the starbucks, conveniently located about a block away from my apartment.

“Yeah well you say that now but I no very well that she’s going to be there when I get home.” I said dragging my converse along the pavement.

“Well I can think of an easy way to solve that problem.” Billie said, looking towards me as he walked.

“Really? What?” I questioned.

“Well its simple my dear friend” he said walking towards me; he then pulled me closer by wrapping his arm around my waist. “All you have to do it run away. Run away and never return” he continued.

I waited a moment and then griped his hand that was hung loosely around my shoulder. “Billie if it was as easy as that I would have done it already” I whispered in his ear.

“But it is that easy Alison. Run away with me Alison” he said loudly.

“You wish” I snorted as I took his hand off my waist. “Jesus Billie, Alison may be a bit slow and ditzy but she’s not the stupid” Mike said with a laugh, earning a playful punch in the arm for me. “I don’t think any chick is that retarded” Tre laughed.

“You’re an idiot Tre” I said to him as he walked in front of me.

“Come on Alison, we all no you want me, me and my hot piece of ass” he said with a grin, giving his ass a tap.

I just laughed in reply.

“I don’t want to go up there” I wined, looking up at my apartment building. “I mean, I’ve a good day with you guys and this is just going to spoil it” I added.

“You have to go up there some time Alison” Mike said, giving me a sympathetic smile.

“Can’t I just run away to Mexico or something?” I questioned.

“No. You could come back to our hotel room if you want though” said Billie.

“No” I said with a sigh. “I wouldn’t want to intrude on your personal time; I know you don’t get a lot of that. I have to go up there sometime anyway; my guitar is up there.” I said rolling my eyes.

“Ok then Alison we’ll let you go then, we have to be heading off anyway. Are you going to be ok?” Tre said, wrapping his jacket closer around him.

“Yeah I’ll be fine, but if you don’t here for me in the next 12 hours you might want to come up to the apartment and check if I’m still alive. If I am, well you can meet Alex, if not, you can help Alex hide the body.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” were the first words I heard as I walked through my apartment door.

“I did” I said turning to look at her.

She was sitting at the living room table. Her eyes fixated on the screen of my laptop.

“What are you doing on my laptop?” I said asking her as I walked towards her, dropping my bag on the lounge as I went.

“Looking at your photos”

I looked over her shoulder and saw that she was looking at the pictures that had been taken a week before of the guys and I at ice-skating. I could see that she was resisting the urge to laugh at a picture of Tre falling flat on his ass.

“So, why didn’t you tell me?”

“I did tell you” I said again, this time a little louder then I had before.


“About three weeks ago, I told you I spent the day with them and you didn’t believe me” I yelled.

Neither us spoke for a few minutes. “So how many times have you gone out with them” she questioned, turning around to look at me.

“I don’t know. Nearly everyday for the past few weeks” I said, sitting down on a chair and putting my head in my hands.

“Where do you go?”

“Anywhere. They just want me to show them a good time while there here in New South Wales. So I take them to lunch, I take them shopping, I take them to theme parks, I took them to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge, I take them to the beach. Anywhere I think is good or they’ve heard that is good, I take them” I answered.
There was a long unsettling silence. “Well I guess I’m going to bed,’ I said speaking once again. Picking my bag up off the couch, I walked towards my bedroom slowly, half expecting Alex to say something, but she didn’t, so I walked into my bedroom and closed the door behind me.