I Have A Secret


I smiled at my friends as I walked through the school courtyard over to my friends.

"Hey guys! What's up?" I asked as I reached them.

My friends are awesome.
They're all very different, but all very special.

Beth, is very fashionable. She knows all the top brands and she has to come with us whenever we go shopping. Her mom is a hairdresser and has always inspired her to be as creative as she wants to be. That's why she designs clothes. I've seen them, they're amazing. I keep telling her she's going to become a fashion designer someday and be very happy. She always tells me she's happy now, so she doesn't worry about it.

Jen is the "buddy" of the group. When you need a shoulder to cry on, or a someone to talk to,
she's there. She has the best advice. She respects you and helps you with your problem. That's why she's the advice columnist for the school newspaper. Her dream job is being a social worker and helping families in need. Her job over the summer is to answer calls for a teen situation hot line and volunteer collecting food for needy families.

Katie is very sporty and athletic. She's awesome at every sport and will help you practice for a sport anytime. Last year, when we had to pass a sport physical test in PE, Katie was there to help. She helped us get in shape and not only pass the test, we aced it because of her! She's also very dedicated to everything she does and believes in teamwork. If there's a fight in the school, Katie is there to break it up. Whether she knows the kids fighting or not.

David is the computer whiz. He can fix just about anything technical. He loves taking things apart and putting them back together. He's also such a nice guy, that's why were friends. He'll do just about anything for you. I saved him from a bunch of jerks last year when they took advantage of his niceness. They're made him do their homework every night. And even of he did their homework, they still gave him wedges and swirlies and stuck him in the trash can every day. We were paired up together for science partners two years ago and have been friends ever since.

And then there's me. Serena. I read classic novels and write poetry. My favorite place to be is Starbucks with my Mocha Cappuccino, my computer and my music. Music inspires me, I have to listen to it everyday. Without I feel empty, as in there's nothing more to life than what's at the surface. My favorite color is black and I wear eyeliner. I am very quiet to people who I don't know, but to my friends and family I'm pretty loud. When I'm really happy and having a good time, I get really hyper and go crazy with my friends. Other than that, I'm pretty dark person. But to my friends, I'm just me. To others I'm "emo" but I don't care what they call me. I don't listen because the only opinions that matter to me are mine and my friends. But what my friends don't know is that I cut myself every night. But I don't know why and no matter how hard I try I can't stop.

"Besides the fact that the end of school is in one week, nothing really." Jen answers and smiles in my direction.

"Guess what?" Beth asks excitedly.

"What?" Everyone asks.

"A design scout from Magical is coming to my house tomorrow to take a look at my fashions!" Beth exclaimed.

Magical is the very fancy, very expensive design school Beth has been wanting to go to since she was 12. It's official name is Magical Exquisite Design School, but we call it Magical for short.

"That's so awesome!" Katie said, sounding very excited. "And I got accepted into North Carolina University!"

Katie's idol is Michael Jordan, because basketball is her favorite sport. She sent her resume a month ago and we've all had our fingers crossed for her.

"And I get to with my dad to work this summer in California and help him create a new software!" Dave added.

Dave's dad works for Mac Software and he's been promised Dave for years that some day he'll come to work with him.

"Wow, you guys. All of your dreams are coming true and you'll be busy this summer. Jen with her volunteering, Dave with his dad, Katie with her training, and Beth with creating new designs. I guess Ill be spending every day at Starbucks with my computer." I said sadly.

"Don't worry Serena. I'll send you postcards every week from California." Dave told me.

"And I'll have time to hang with you on the weekends." Katie added.

"And you can help me with volunteering." Jen said.

"And you can be my model for my new fashions!" Beth exclaimed.

"Thanks guys." I said as soon as the first bell rang.

"Bye!" Everyone said at once.
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Have a Ferardful day!