Always Born a Crime

The Marks on Your Dress had been neatly Repressed

It started to get awkward with Amanda. She always shot these pained expressions at me when she thought I wasn't looking at her, and when I did look at her she'd just send me nasty stares. I don't know what I did wrong. I kept thinking about it, then I remembered that she started being nasty to me after she called me Ben. But who is Ben?

--time elapse 2 days--

"Amanda! you should know these lines by now, you knew them so well last week." Ms. Burroughs yelled during rehearsal

"Oh, sorry Ms. Burroughs, I've been really busy lately and you know, homework" Amanda sighed. I tried shooting her a sympathetic look but she just glared it down.

"That would be an alright excuse, except for the part that you don't do your homework. Amanda, this is getting to be a huge problem. I think we are going to have to call your father"

"Ms. Burroughs no, please. I promise I"ll start working harder, I'll do it. But please don't call my dad" she was pleading and she got this look of pure terror.

"Alright. If you get all your work done this week in class and have these lines down by Thursday, we wouldn't call you dad." Ms.Burroughs continued to scribble down on her clipboard.

"alright, deal. Thanks, Ms. Burroughs" Amanda turned around, with her back to the audience and squeezed her eyes shut.

--after rehearsal---
"Amanda, do you want a ride home?" I was hovering over her hunched over frame.

"No, my dad's coming for me" she groaned.

"oh, well my mom can give you a ride. We saw you walking the other day and honestly if you need a ride..."

"What time is it?" she cut me off, still staring at the ground. I noticed a bruise from where her shirt came up as she hunched over. It wasn't a pretty looking, I could tell it was big.

"After rehearsal" I scrambled for my watch as she shot me a death glare. "about 5:40"

"Fine, I'm riding shot gun though."

---In the car----
"Amanda, where do you live?" My mom asked, as we took off from the school.

" know those big houses over on East Howard Avenue?" she murmured.

"oh my, you live there? Those are such beautiful houses" The car lurched to a halt at the stop light. We continued on and Amanda just stared down at her hands. My mom tried to ask Amanda some questions but Amanda only replied either "yes" or "no"

"Okay, see that house over there? the big blue one with the white picket fence and the roses?"

"yea, my you have such a gorgeous house." Mama pulled up and Amanda jumped out. We sat there and waited for her to go in, when she saw us looking over her shoulder she went around back, we waited a few more seconds and took off. We where rounding the corner when I saw her come out and walk in the other direction.

The next day it was a bolstering 87 degrees, but the whole day Amanda refused to take off her overcoat.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been almost a year since I updated, and I am so sorry. I just had no motivation for a while.

Title from Kristy Are You Doing Okay? by the Offspring.

Love, Ali