Status: This story will not be updated until Mercy.iz.Muzick starts and/or updats her story

Screw You I'm a Rock Star

I Hate.

I hated that sound.

I hated that band.

But most of all, I hated him.

Brian Haner Jr. The cockiest fucking man on the face of this earth.

Just because he could shred like no other guitarist. Just because he's a part of one of the biggest bands. And just because he can get any girl he wants. Man, do I want to just murder that man.

I can't even believe we are even going on tour with them!

Six horrible months of hearing him brag about doing some girl that probably doesn't even exist other then inside his head. Sure, my band should be grateful to even be considered to go on a tour this big with a band like Avenged Sevenfold. Still, I don't think I could finish this tour without killing someone first. And it would either be him or my own life.

"Dude, Michelle, are you ready?" my band mate and also my total best friend, Kat said.

I did a mental sigh before answering, "Yeah, I'll be there in a minute."

I twirled my drumsticks like most drummers do and made my way to the stage. Of course not before passing Brian and the rest of Avenged Sevenfold. Who all seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey hot stuff," He whispered into my ear as I passed him. But that’s not what ticked me off, what did tick me off however was he felt the need to grab by butt.

I turned around and stared at him wide-eyed. He just winked and continued on his way. My hand was quickly turning into a fist.

"Dude, let it go," Kat said as she put a hand on my shoulder. "He's not worth. Come on lets just go."

I took a deep breathe and nodded making my way to the stage. And that’s when I heard our name.

"Please welcome, The Black Widow!"
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sorry so short but tell me what you think.