Status: This story will not be updated until Mercy.iz.Muzick starts and/or updats her story

Screw You I'm a Rock Star

I Kissed.

Once the concert was over I got a call on my cell. I looked at the ID and groaned.


Great. Just great.

So far for the past few days I've been able to ignore her, or rather avoid her. She's been trailing our tour ever since that first horrible day she met Brian. What's worse? She's still talking to him. Ugh. But lately every night she's been watching our shows and every day I try my best to stay away from her. Sadly, I can't block her on my cell phone. Otherwise, I'd be dead meat.

"Hey Ma," I muttered into the phone as I wiped the sweat of my forehead.

"Hey Michelle, I was just wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight."

"Well, Mom, I'm kind of tired fr-"

"Great! Meet me at Olive Garden at 10."

"Okay then…" I muttered to no one other then myself. I sighed and put the cell in my pocket.

I groaned and dragged my pathetic ass to the bus, moping the whole way. I mean what the hell was I suppose to do? Be joyful?

"Hey Michy!" Jamie yelled. "Wanna go out to a club? Kat's paying for drinks!"

"Nah," I muttered. "Mom wants to have dinner with me, plus I'm tired."

And in all honesty I probably would have been jumping off walls had she asked me a little bit earlier. But Mom always drains energy from, per usual.

"Bummer…well I guess I'll see you later," Jamie said skipping off probably to find Kat.

I groaned and tried to find a place where I could take a quick shower. Hopefully so I could wake up and smell decent when I met mom.

After that I got dressed and called a cab over so I could get a ride over to Olive Garden. I was really dreading this. All this anxiety was making me nauseas just thinking about eating Italian food. Which was really not me at all. I love Italian food with a passion.

Once the cab pulled over to Olive Garden my stomach started turning. I really wish someone would just shoot me right now. Right before I even got to the door. Right before I entered my doom.

Okay, yeah, I'm being melodramatic. But if you had to live with your mother as long as I did, you'd understand.

Right before I opened the door I took a deep breathe and prepared myself. I walked in and told them I was meeting someone there and they began leading the way. But before I could even put on a fake smile as I approached the table, my stomach dropped. It dropped to the dark abysmal insides of my hopeless life.

For Brian fucking Haner was seating there with her. God sure has a hell of a sense of humor. I just wish I found it as funny as He did. All I can say to Him is…Why?. Why now? At this very moment? When I'm already down?

"Hey, Mom." I said as I approached her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek sitting myself next to her and across from Brian.

"I see you invited Brian." I said as I masked on a smile.

"Yeah," Mom said. "Hope you don't mind."

"Not at all," I said scowling slightly as I looked over at him. He only smirked.

Damn I hate that stupid smirk!.

"Well I thought, wouldn't it be nice to have my one and only daughter and the man to be."

"Mom," I growled. "We're not toget-"

"I know!" she said cutting her off. "A mother can dream can't she."

I rolled my eyes. Dream all you want, I thought.

Soon a waitress came and took our drinks and order, I was trying to find any excuse to not look at the man across from me. Suddenly, my nails seemed very interesting. Hell even my damn shoes became interesting.

"So Michelle," Mom said breaking the awful silence. "how was your show."

I shrugged. "Same old stuff. Screaming fans. Loud music. Intense moshing."

Do not look at Brian, Michelle! Whatever you do, don't look at him!

"She's being modest," Brain said. "she actually blew away the crowd with her amazing skills. I think she should probably join our band." Mom laughed.

Kiss ass.

I was so tempted to stick my tongue out him but I bit down on it instead and averted my eyes away from him. Every time I looked at him it just made me want to take a knife and stab his eyes out. Morbid? Yes, but you try eating when the man you hate is in front of you. That knife soon becomes your fucking best friend.

"Um, may I ask why you invited Brian, Mom?" I asked.

"I just wanted to get to know him better. And I also wanted to spend some time with my daughter."

I inwardly groaned. In Mom's terms that actually meant she wanted me and Brian together. I think I just tasted puke in my mouth. Ugh.

Like I don't see him enough. Dammit, Mr. Knife seems sincerely friendly right now. I think he'd like a meeting with my neck.

I think after that I pretty much zoned out of the whole dinner. My way of kinda escaping everything I don't like. That or I just surreptitiously learned to zone out my mom's pointless stories out of habit. Either way, I was fine. I remember eating dinner and commenting my Mom's blabber with "yeah", "okay's" and "Mhmm."

Afterwards I felt bloated and exhausted from the Italian food and mom's infinite chatter. But I didn't dare say anything, she was of course paying. I don't think I could even say anything in between her sentences anyways. Once she gets started she never stops, I don't think Brian was even listening after a while. He was quiet through out the whole dinner thing. It was pretty strange actually. Usually you can't get him to shut up, especially if he's drunk. Which is basically 90% of the time.

Mom paid the check and we left the restaurant. Once we got outside Brian lit up a cigarette and offered Mom one, she accepted. I was happily a non-smoker. And I will say that I was probably choking by all the smoke. And then instantly Mom began talking again. Only this time I couldn't zone her out.

"So when are you and Brian getting together?" she asked.

Where's a damn sniper when you need one? What the hell happened to Mr. Knife? Why can't this night be over with?

"Umm…Mom I'm kinda in a relationship right now," I muttered.

I wasn't lying, Frankie and I do have a relationship. Not an official one, but we're getting there.

"Really? Is it that Franny guy?" She questioned


"Right, so how's he?"

"Fine, Mom. Um want me to call you a cab?"

"Trying to get rid of me already, Michelle?"

I rolled my eyes. Yes. "No, Mom"

"Well then since it is late you might as well call it."

I began doing so and she instantly went into a conversation with Brian. I called a cab and afterwards stood against the building with an awkwardness acquiring inside of me. I wasn't paying much attention of what Brian and Mom were talking about but I'm sure I wouldn't care anyways if I knew.

Once the cab came an eternity later she said her farewells and left. It was only an minute later I realized that I probably should've gotten in the cab with her besides getting stuck here with Brian.

I sighed and picked up my cell once more to call a cab.

"What are you doing?" Brian asked.

"Calling a cab, what else?"

"Why didn't you just go with your mom?"

"Because I'm a dumb ass now leave me alone."

"Who the hell stuck a pole up your ass today?" He said taking away my phone and ending the call.

"What the hell Brian?" I asked as I tried getting back. "I need to get ride."

"Why don't you just get a ride with me then?"

I stopped and put my hands on my hip and gave him a look.

"Really Brian? You really want to know why? Because I rather lose both arms and ruin my career as a drummer then be stuck in a damn car with you. That a good enough answer for you? Now give me the damn phone," I growled.

"No," he said.

No? Seriously? Does this man want a death wish? What the Hell?

"I'm serious Brian," I hissed.

"So am I," He said with that damn stupid smirk.

He held the phone tauntingly in front of my face, waving it about. Each second he stepped closer towards me. I was really starting to lose my temper.

"Dammit Brian! This isn't funny, just give me the phone!" I yelled.

I noticed a family walking pass us giving us odd looks as they entered the restaurant. I really could care less, however. Haner was dead meat.

"No," He said and this time he was only inches away from me.

He held the phone up in the air and I tried jumping up and grabbing it like an idiot. But I was pretty desperate to get out of here. Suddenly as I prepared to jump once more I felt one of his arms wrap around of my waist.

"Let go of me Brian," I said sternly.

He got close enough to wear I could smell the cigarette in his breathe. Our nose barely touching.

"Or what?" He questioned.


But before I could answer the craziest thing happened. No it wasn't the fact that he kissed me. Or that I didn't pull away.

It was the fact that I kissed back.
♠ ♠ ♠

Hahah I guess this chapter can be a gift to all of you ;)
Oh! and hope you like the new layout!!!