Status: This story will not be updated until Mercy.iz.Muzick starts and/or updats her story

Screw You I'm a Rock Star

I Drink.

I can't explain to you why I was so nervous being alone with Brian. It's not like I've never been alone with a guy before, trust me its really not the first thing. But with him it was weird. I think deep down inside I knew that maybe I couldn't control myself if I were alone. I mean come on, the man was freaking hot! What girl wouldn't fall for his charming looks? Its like Bam Margera and Criss Angel came together and had a baby. The result was Brian Haner himself.

Who wouldn't be attracted to that?

The first thing I saw when I entered the bus was Brian. I also noticed that he was the only one present on the bus besides myself. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Hey," I mumbled

"Hey," He said just as lowly before attaching his lips to mine.

It wasn't long before we were making out heatedly. I wasn't really complaining, however, the man did have the softest lips I've ever known. But it was also not long before I pulled away. He stared at me puzzled.

"Is this the only reason you wanted me over here?" I asked.

"Depends, are we going to continue?" He said smirking.

I shook my head to say no but his smirk didn't falter.

"Yeah I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and the guys today. You can bring your band mates too." He said.

I smiled. "Yeah sure, I'd love to. And I'm sure the girls would appreciate it too." I think.

"Well good, because we're leaving right now. The guys are already up there."

"Yeah…just let me make a quick call," I said as I made a quick exit out of the bus.

I began dialing Kat's number who instantly replied.

"Did you lock yourself out of the bus again?" Was the first thing that came out of her mouth when she answered the phone.

I sighed. "No, its just I was thinking we could go to a bar."

"I thought you were going to sleep. It looked like you really needed. I don't think alcohols the answer. Plus you need your rest for the show tonight."

"I'll be fine," I yawned.


She didn’t say anything for a few moments. I was standing there listening to a deadly silence on the other line.

"Tell Brian we can't make it and that you can't stay up for too long because you need your rest," She finally said.

"Yes, mother." I mumbled.

"Otherwise have fun don't do anything I wouldn't do and your mom called me today, she left back home. Something about your brother. "


"Now, now, don't be so sad about it," She said sarcastically.

"Alright, I'll call you later, Kat."

"Alright bye," she said before hanging up.

I went back on the bus and watched as Brian bent down to get his wallet. I'm not gonna lie, I was getting a nice view. Once he was standing up straight his gaze fell on me. He raised an eyebrow.

"Were you staring at my butt?" He asked.

"I think you have a stain on it," I said.

"Really?" He questioned as he tried to glimpse at his butt which only made me laugh.

"No, you don't. But the girls won't be able to go so I guess its just me, you, and the guys."

"Cool, I'm sure the guys would like to meet you officially as my girlfriend," he said as he grabbed my hand and lead me out the bus.

"Yeah, instead of the crazy bitch who fights with their guitarist," I said.

We called a taxi and went to the bar hand in hand and there we were met by the infamous Avenged Sevenfold. We walked to the table that they were sitting at and ordered our drinks. They all greeted us with "Hello's" and "Hey's."

"What's up guys?" Brian asked.

"Not much, dude. I see you brought over Michelle. You finally decided to join the dark side, huh? I can pretty much guarantee you guys won't hit each other anymore right?" Matt asked.

"At least outside of the bedroom," Zacky commented. Which granted him a punch on shoulder by Brian.

"Yeah, no hitting. I only come here in peace," I said smiling.

Once Brian and I received our drinks, he wrapped an arm around my waist. We chatted away with guys and laughed continuously too. Jimmy was a hilarious drunk but I was also afraid about him getting us kicked out. Luckily it didn't happen. Plus, every once in a while Brian and I would share an innocent kiss.

But as the hours passed on, our order of drinks grew larger. I'm not much of a drinker, but I do like it every once in a while. But since the guys offered to pay, how could I pass down free drinks? To bad I have a poor judgment of when to actually stop. And guess what? So does Brian. Our better judgment was apparently not there.

So of course after a couple of hours I was completely wasted. I apparently forgot anyone was there other then Brian who was currently making out with me. I don't even think the other guys noticed. But what started out as innocent kisses resulted in a full blown make-out session. As I pulled away I could see something so apparent in his eyes that were clouding his senses other then alcohol.


I smiled and grabbed his hand. I lead him out of the bar and called a cab. I told it to fine the nearest hotel around.

To bad I didn't know that what I was doing wasn't a smart thing to do.
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yay! another update.

leave me comments of love pwease :3