Status: This story will not be updated until Mercy.iz.Muzick starts and/or updats her story

Screw You I'm a Rock Star

I Control.

The show was nothing less then amazing. The kids were loud, the stage was huge, and I loved it all. I think being a drummer is the best position you could be in a band. The reason I say that is because you feel you have control of the whole crowd. Why?

Because the crowd doesn't move to the lyrics, or the sound of the guitar, they move to the beat of the drums. And I, my dear friends, am the conductor of the drums. There for, I control them all. And it feels great.

Black Widow, was now in the dressing room fanning themselves and downing down as much water as they can retain. And my whole body was pounding.

"It still amazes me of how much energy I use in just a few hours," Kat sighed as she poured cold water on top of her head while slumping lazily on a chair.

"I don't think I can move," Jesse, our dear bassist, said who seemed to be in the same position as Kat was.

I just stood there silently, leaning against the faded white wall and drinking my Gatorade.

"Oh hey, Jimmy just invited us to go to a bar," Jesse said as she texted something in her sidekick.

"Sounds fun…I'm in, I need a drink." Kat mumbled as she wiped the sweat off her forehead.

I debated whether to go or not. On one side I'd have to face Brian. On the other side, I could have fun and drink with my buds.

"You can count me in," I muttered.

"They're at Johnny's Bar." Jesse said before getting up from her chair. "We better leave now."

"Can you at lease wait until I change?" Kat grunted.

"Fine," Jesse sighed. I giggled slightly.

Then three showers later we were at Johnny's and I could already spot the A7X boys.

"Hey girls," Zacky waved at us from the bar table.

We slowly made way over to them and took our seats. The boys were generous enough to even buy our drinks. All was well, and Brian was no where in site. So you can say I was pretty happy.

Well I was happy. Then he finally decided to show up.

"Hey, babe," He whispered into my ear.

It made shivers go down my spine, the bad kind. The kind that just said, "Ew, why the hell is he near me?"

But I didn't say or do anything. I figured that if I ignored him he would get the message.

Not a chance.

"How about me and you leave and I can show you what being a rock star is all about." He said with his lips lightly touching my ear. This only made me grip my drink harder then I should probably have.

"Hey Syn, leave the girl alone," M. Shadow said.

"Yeah, she's obviously not interested," The Rev chuckled.

I could hear Brian taking a few steps back and saying, "Not interested? I'm Synyster fucking Gates, I'm every girls desires."

On the last part of his little speech he decided to let me know personally by putting his mouth back near my ear.

I made a grossed out face and turned around to look at him face-to-face with my eyes narrowed.

"Look buster," I said poking him in the chest with every syllable.

"If you don't want your desires," I said motioning below his beltline. "to get reduced to a pulp, then I suggest you leave me alone!"

By this time I already got my stuff and was heading out the door. My band mates were calling after me but I chose to ignore them. I can't believe how just one guy could get under my skin like that!

Once I was outside I took a deep breathe and took a swig of what remained in the beer bottle. Once it was all downed I threw it aside with a satisfying shatter filling my ears.

And then guess who decided to follow me outside. But he didn't say anything instead he surprised me by doing something I never expected.

He pushed me against the wall and crashed his lips with mine.

It didn't take long for me to react. I quickly pushed him off.

"What the hell, Haner?" I yelled wiping my mouth against my arm.

"Oh come on, you can't actually hate me can you?" He said smirking.

"What, actually surprised that there's actually one girl that doesn't like you?" I said crossing my arms.

He didn't do anything but just stood there and smiled.

"You'll warm up to me sooner or later, babe, they always do," he whispered as he inched closer to me.

"Yeah, whatever," I muttered as I pushed passed him and walked off.

There was no way in hell I'd ever like such an asshole. Even if he was every girls desire.
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Hope you like it :]