The Day they all go crazy

Chapter 3

After a few hours of intensive question asking Ray started to speak again
At first he sounded as if he was drunk
First he said "me want me more skittles, me likely skittles"
Frank " is he drunk, Bob did he have any beer"
Bob "why are you asking me"
Frank" you were the last one with Ray"
Bob "No he didn’t have any beer"
Frank "so what can't Ray speak right"
Bob "I don't know"
Gerard "I have an idea, lets ask Ray what he last had to eat or drink"
Mikey "Ray do you remember what you last had to eat"
Ray "Me like Skittles, me want more skittles NOW!"
Mikey "Yah he's impossible to deal with it’s like talking to a five year old or like talking to Gerard"
Gerard "Hey, I'm going to kick your ass for saying that, I don't act like a five year old"
Then Gerard started beating Mikey up with a bat and then with Mikey's bass (that must hurt your own guitar turning on you)
The fighting kept going on and Bob got hungry and he found the pack of skittles they gave Ray to wake him up and started eating them.
Finally the fighting finally stopped and Mikey got a black eye and his head hurt from getting hit upside the head so many times
When Mikey turned around to ask Bob if he could go get him an ice pack Bob was gone and the pack of skittles were on the floor

Where is Bob? Will Ray stop speaking like a drunk? Will the fighting between Gerard and Mikey ever stop?