The Day they all go crazy

Chapter 6

Gerard "Why is everybody acting so weird as if they were crazy?"
Mikey "I don't know why, they just are"
Frank "maybe there trying to pull a prank on us"
Gerard "Maybe, but why?"
Frank "Gerard you put makeup on Ray, if that was me I would try to get you back."
Gerard "You put makeup on him too"
Frank "That’s right, but you started it"
Mikey “stop fighting and start thinking"
Gerard "I need skittles in order to start thinking"
Mikey "Fine, but where are the skittles?"
Frank "I don't know but Bob had skittles"
They all go to find Bob. When they found Bob, he was playing with the monkey they found in the toilet while looking for Bob.
Gerard "Bob what the hell are you doing?"
Bob "Playing with the monkey"
Gerard "How they hell do you play with a monkey?"
Bob "Like this" He got on his hand and started to do hand stand and jump all around his room
Gerard "Mikey and you say I act like a five year old. What about monkey boy over here?"
Mikey "Bob is never like this, but you are"
Gerard "What did you say"
Mikey "I said you are still the one, who is the five year old, not Bob"
Gerard "That’s it I've had enough of you"
Gerard and Mikey start beating the shit out of each other. Frank leaves the room because he can't stand fighting and grabs the pack of skittles on the table.

Where is Frank Going? Will Mikey and Gerard ever stop fighting? Why is Bob acting like a monkey?