Old Clocks Run Off Acid Fluid and Batteries


I would be lying if I said the box's contents were nothing short of ordinary. Because God knows, having a very realistic boy, robot, whatever - staring at you with his - it's eyes is not even close to normal.

Zoee was taking it as any weird person would, just sort of staring, you know? The knife has long since forgotten and is sitting on the coffee table just after the box sides fell deftly to the floor. A chair, placed very accordingly found itself being plowed into by her.

After all, who wouldn't be shocked? Weird or normal, its not something one would generally see as being fit to be sent away in a box.

"I'd really rather like to know what he- or rather it is doing sitting in a box in my living room." She thinks aloud to the air.

"I also wonder if it has an off/on button." She mumbles mainly to herself, which I guess is a given seeing as there's no one else in the room besides It.

Tapping her foot swiftly on the floor she cocks her head to the side and snaps her fingers. A nervous habit, if you will. Sighing and moaning is also an attribute that is found when an immense sort of confusion has made an appearance.

Hunger gnawing at Zoee's stomach is something that is currently drawing her away from the newest addition, or so said her mind's imagination. Who knows what we're going to do with this doll, this person? Okay so we don't know exactly what to call.. It.
♠ ♠ ♠
Luck was so on my side.
Its been a while.
A birdy reminded me of this.
So I wrote it (no pun intended).
And get this, I wrote this chapter in..
20 minutes.

And its not thaaat bad. Not great, but
short. I can't really add anything else
appropriate. <33