Sequel: Hope

Purple Hearts

He Looked Good

Billie closed Tre’s front door behind him and headed off down the driveway, his guitar strapped to his back, his holdall heavy in his hand. He turned and looked back at Tre’s house.

So that’s it then he thought.

The end of it.

He thought that may be Franky would have changed her mind about how she felt about him but no; she was definately going to marry Gerard and have a child. He hoped she would be happy with her decision and just hoped that Gerard made her happy.

That’s all he wished for her. That she’s happy.

He turned and walked off the driveway. He needed to see his boys, to see them and hold them tight and tell them that he was home. To see Adrienne and see how she was coping and then he’d decided to grab his car and drive to Mike’s. He’d missed him. He’d missed Tre too but…I’ll see him sometime soon I’m sure he thought.

Billie walked towards his house, his head bowed down.


Gerard let James out of the apartment. What the fuck was he playing at? He panicked suddenly wondering what he had got into here. If Franky ever found out what he’d been up to he knew that would be the end of them. She wouldn’t know, he was sure of it, James wouldn’t tell her. She’d kick him out of the band and that would be the end of the Xtras and James wouldn’t risk that, he was sure of it.

Franky was due round this evening, he was going to cook for her and start talking about their wedding arrangements and he couldn’t wait.

He loved Franky so much; everything would work out just fine, as long as she didn’t find out about what he’d been up to with James.


James walked off down the street, quite content with himself. The guy had fallen for it; he couldn’t believe that someone as sensible as Gerard had fallen for his plan.

It was working; Franky would definitely not marry Gerard if she found out, leaving the way free for him because he was going to be there to pick up the pieces.

When the shit hit the fan that was.


Tre was driving back from his parents with Ramona and Frankito who were in the back.

“Please Dad, please let me go and stay with Claudia and Frankito this evening, I’ve not stayed with Claudia in ages.”

“Its up to Claudia, I’ll ask her when I drop Frankito off.” Said Tre glancing at his daughter in the rear-view mirror; she looked so much like Franky he thought, she was growing up fast. His youngest daughter had always got on with his ex-wife, he was glad really as it helped his situation. Claudia loved Ramona too and he was sure she’d say yes to a sleepover. He wondered then if Adrienne felt well enough to come to his this evening, he couldn’t call her up as his phone was at home. Thank goodness for that he thought he’d lost it and was expecting a couple of calls.

He knew that Franky was going to go to Gerard’s for dinner so it would be nice to just have Adrienne to cook for and he’d already got the casserole made. Yes, a few good drinks, some decent food and a relaxing evening with one of his oldest friends.

Just what he needed.


Adrienne couldn’t decide what to wear. She usually always wore black and had loads of little black dresses, so she decided to go for one that she’d already worn and knew she looked good in. It fitted well she thought as she glanced at herself in the mirror. Then she noticed her tattoo, she hadn’t really looked at it for ages, the one that said ‘Billie Joe’ across her arm. She felt sad because when she’d had it done Billie was the love of her life and never thought it would end, ever.

Well it had, and she now didn’t want to display his name across her arm. She’d have to do something about it, get something else put there. Then she thought of Tre and what could develop between them, she really hoped something could. She just hoped that Tre could feel the same way.

Glancing at the tattoo again she imagined having Tre Cool inked onto her body and she got butterflies thinking of it.


Franky was still sitting in the very same seat that she was in when Billie had found her. She couldn’t concentrate anymore on writing because of him.

He was back, she was glad, glad for his children and Adrienne, may be now they could finally make a go of it and realise what they had, could still have. She was glad for her Dad because she knew he missed Billie and hoped that they could get back what they had. Glad for Mike also because Mike missed Billie like a family member, it was like his brother was missing.

Yeah, she was glad Billie was back.

Then she heard the front door slam.

“Hey Dad,” she said, “I’m down here,” she called out.

“Hey sweetheart, you OK? Have you been writing some wonderful songs?” said Tre.

“Actually,” said Franky going over to him and giving him a tight hug, “I didn’t get much written because we had a visitor.” She said pulling away from him and looking up into her father’s eyes.

”Oh,” said Tre frowning slightly.

“Yep, Billie’s back,” she said then smiled because she saw the huge grin that had erupted on her father’s face.

“Really? So Billie boy’s back, about fucking time,” said Tre.

”Dad,” Franky said scolding him for swearing. She didn’t like it when he swore.

“Sorry blue eyes, I’m pleased. So…has he gone back to his house?”

“Yeah, he needs to see his boys and…that reminds me Adrienne just rang and said she can make it this evening and is looking forward to it.”

“Great, I’m looking forward to having a chat with Adrienne but may be she’ll change her mind now that Billie is back.” Said Tre.

”May be, but I’m sure she’ll call you up if she changes her mind,” Franky said wandering over to collect up her notebook and pens. “I’m off to Gerard’s soon, I’m going to clean myself up, he’s cooking for me.”

”OK sweetheart,” said Tre, “I’m going to take a shower myself and lay out the table,” he said.

“Dad?” Franky said watching her father turn.

“Do you think Billie and you could make up your differences and get Green Day back on the road again?” she said hopefully.

“I don’t think so sweetheart, I think…I think things have gone too far.” Tre said.

Franky decided to change the subject.

“Hey remember Julia and Emily are coming tomorrow,” she said, “I’m going to pick them up from the airport, I shall probably go from Gerard’s as I’ll probably be…staying the night,” she said hesitantly as she still got embarrassed at the thought of her Dad knowing that she was sleeping with someone but she knew she was being stupid. She was engaged to the guy after all.

“OK honey, how about I make up the two rooms for them in the morning, won’t take me long,"

“Oh Dad, that would be great,” said Franky following her father up the stairs from the basement but suddenly feeling weary again.

“No problem,” said Tre but as they got to the top of the stairs he turned and looked directly into her eyes.

“How did Billie look?” said Tre looking quite concerned for his old friend.

“He looked good,” said Franky.

Yeah she thought, he had looked good.

But then he always did.


Charlie had got the job. He was so pleased, now he could relax a little, he was earning a decent salary which meant that one day soon he could get his own place and maybe…just maybe he would pluck up the courage and do something about Adrienne. But then he thought about the lifestyle she lead, she had everything she could possibly want.

What could he offer her?


Julia and Emily were packing the last of the stuff.

“Exited sweetheart?” said Julia to her daughter who was looking older by the day.

“What do you think Mum?” Emily said. “I’m so looking forward to seeing Franky again and meeting the guys, aren’t you?”

”I’m definitely looking forward to seeing Franky but I don’t know these Green Day guys, Franky’s father sounds very kind and has a good sense of humour. You know, I don’t even know what they look like,” said Julia. “Lets go and take a closer look at your poster, even though I dust in there and tidy up I’ve never really looked at your pictures properly, come and show me who’s who so that I can have a head start when I meet them,” she said to her daughter ushering her out of the Living Room.

“Now, the tall one is Mike, you know, the one I like,” said Emily blushing a little. “This is Billie Joe with the black hair, he’s the lead singer and writes their songs too, and this is Tre, Franky’s father, he’s the drummer but that isn’t his real name. His real name is Frank and he has a couple of other children by different women,” said Emily pointing to the good looking guy in a black shirt, black and white striped tie with beautiful blue crystal eyes and an amazing smile.

Julia suddenly had butterflies.


“OK Dad, I’m going,” said Franky coming into the kitchen and carrying a small holdall, “and I forgot to tell you I also got a call from Bono’s wife.”

“About this charity thing?” said Tre. “Are you sure you want to take that on? You have enough going on at the moment,” said Tre getting out the cutlery from the kitchen drawer.

“Yes of course I’m sure,” said Franky snapping slightly. “Its for a good cause, breast cancer, and after all mum went through,” she said slightly disappointed in her Dad for doubting that she should not take it on.

“I didn’t mean to upset you honey, it’s just that you seem so tired, what with the band and everything…”

“I’m fine,” snapped Franky.

“Fine,” said Tre turning back to the cutlery drawer.

“See you tomorrow, with Julia and Emily.” Franky said looking at her father’s back and noticing how smart he looked, he hadn’t dressed up for ages.

“OK honey,” said Tre not even looking and she kind of hated herself for snapping at her Dad but what was he thinking? Of course she was going to support this cancer charity.

She was doing it for her mum and every other young person out there.


The guy in the house next door decided it was time and had set a date.

Two day’s time.

That’s when he’d decided to do it.