Sequel: Hope

Purple Hearts


“Let me take a look at that,” said Julia.

“Its…its OK,” said Tre.

“Its not OK and you look dreadful,” said Julia looking at Tre, he was a weird grey looking colour but it wasn’t surprising at the events that had just happened earlier.

After the guys had left to “rescue” Franky Julia had got scared. They’d been gone a while and then she’d heard a shot and that was when she decided to call the police. Ramona and Emily were scared too; there was nothing else for it, she had to call them.

The police rushed into the house next door and as she watched from the window she saw a guy being bundled out of the house between two cops and into a waiting van. A policewoman then came out of the house with Franky, wrapped in a huge blanket and sobbing.

She went to meet her.

”She’s had a dreadful shock,” said the Policewoman. “There’s been an accident with a gun, the guy that was shot is her father,” she said matter of factly.

“What!” said Julia. “Tre has been shot?”

”Oh yes Julia,” said Franky running into Julia’s arms. “He’s OK but Billie has shot him in the leg and he’s in so much pain.” She said.

“Franky, he’ll be OK, he’ll go to the hospital and they’ll sort him out, he’ll be fine, but how are you sweetheart?” she said.

But Franky didn’t answer she was just pleased to be back home but not pleased about her Dad.

”Come through,” said Julia, “there are a couple of people in here that have missed you.”

She took Franky into the living room where the Ramona and Emily rushed at her.


It was later that night; they’d been at the hospital and the police station and couldn’t quite believe what had happened.

Billie couldn’t believe that he’d shot Tre but in doing so, Mike rushed at the guy and managed to grab him, knocking the rifle to the floor which Tre got hold of and threw out of reach of the guy.

“I’m sorry man,” said Billie rushing over to Tre.

“Its OK dude, its fine,” said Tre in a pained voice.

“Dad are you OK?” said Franky, she too rushing over.

“I’m fine…just…it fucking hurts,” he said.

They all looked at the guy being held roughly by Mike, they’d never seen him before but he bore some resemblance to someone but none of them could place who it was.

“You’re going to get what you deserve you motherfucking asshole,” said Billie and he took a swing at the guy, punching him on the jaw then he kicked him in the ribs. The guy just groaned.

“Stop it Billie,” said Franky, “please, lets just call the cops or something, I want Dad to see a doctor and I want…to go home,” she said sobbing.

“Its OK,” said Billie but as soon as he spoke, armed police arrived at the door and they knew it was over.


On the way back from the hospital in a taxi, none of the three of them spoke they just glanced out of the window, worn out and mentally tired from what had gone on earlier. Mike just wanted to get back to Jen and Tre just wanted to get home. Billie wanted to see Franky but he knew that wasn’t where the taxi driver was taking him, he was taking him home. Well, to Adrienne’s anyway.

He waved the guys off, so glad that Franky had been found, she’d looked so scared, like a little rabbit when he’d found her. She looked dreadful, matted hair and grubby, she’d hate to look like that he thought. She was always so particular when it came to her appearance.

But he still loved her, however she looked.


Mike got dropped off next then Tre travelled home, still in silence and a very painful bullet wound in the thigh area.

His Franky was back and that was all that mattered.

They’d done it, they’d rescued her and boy did that feel good.


“It fucking hurts Julia,” said Tre. He wasn’t sleeping very well so had got up for a drink of water. Julia had obviously heard him and had joined him, worried because being a nurse she had an idea about the pain he must be in.

“Here, take these, they’re very strong painkillers, they should do the trick and give you some rest,” she said looking at Tre, amazed that he just went in next door and rescued his daughter who was sound asleep upstairs.

She’d have to talk to Franky tomorrow, see how she was, she’d need to go to the hospital to get checked out and she really felt that it was about time that Tre knew.

Gerard had phoned earlier but hadn’t come round to see Franky which surprised them all. Franky hadn’t reacted at all to the news, had just gone up to bed, exhausted.

“Thanks,” said Tre taking the painkillers, “and thanks for calling the cops and for looking after Ramona. You did the right thing.” He said giving her a small smile. He had the most perfect, straight, white teeth, she’d never noticed before.

“Its no problem,” said Julia. “Anybody would have done the same,” she said.

“Well you’re not just anybody, you’re a great lady,” said Tre causing Julia to blush and turn away from him, her heart beating fast and loud, pounding in her ears. He’d asked her to check his dressing earlier and for the first time in her life, even though she was a nurse she felt awkward examining him as he took off his trousers and stood there in his white boxer shorts. She averted her eyes from the obvious as she examined his muscular thigh. “They’ve done a good job, it should heal over properly in about a week but it’s going to be extremely painful for a few days.” She said.

“It’s a good job it wasn’t any higher up,” said Tre laughing, “Billie nearly managed to dispose of my one remaining ball,” he said.

”Pardon?” said Julia embarrassed by this confession.

“Oh, sorry, you won’t know will you, I forgot that I’ve only really just met you,” said Tre, him being the one to get slightly embarrassed. “But I had an accident when I was younger and they had to …remove one,” he said. “Too much information, I know.” He said then laughed.

Suddenly his face turned serious.

“I still can’t believe we got her back. Oh my god Julia, what if…what if we hadn’t realised where she was? What if he’d…done something to her? How would I have coped?” he said then his eyes filled up with tears and he sobbed aloud.

She went to him.

“Hey, its OK, she’s back now where she belongs,” said Julia taking this guy and holding him close as he cried quietly on her shoulder. His body was firm and hard but she brushed the feelings he’d formed in her aside, this was Franky’s father, Tre Cool, famous and rich. You’d just be one of many, don’t go there she thought to herself.

Franky was lying in bed, hardly sleeping but feeling exhausted at the same time. She was mulling everything over in her head.

Billie had rescued me.

She was safe again in her own home, which at times she never thought she’d see.

Poor Dad had been shot accidentally by Billie but he was going to be OK, they’d got out the bullet easily and had stitched him up.

Billie had rescued me.

Well, Dad and Mike had helped out but…Billie had been the one to find me and just seeing his face, knowing that she was going to be OK…was a wonderful feeling.

She was kind of dreading tomorrow because she knew that it was time to tell those that needed to know. First she was going to tell her Dad all about the baby, she couldn’t say anything about not knowing if the baby was Gerard’s, Billie’s or James’ but she was ready to tell him.

Then she’d have to tell Gerard, she wasn’t sure how he’d react because…well, she was marrying him after all.

May be he wouldn’t want her now.