Sequel: Hope

Purple Hearts


It was going to be a hot day, it was one of those days where the sun just came streaming through the room, a gorgeous hot day but Franky didn’t even want to think about the sunshine because she still had a lot on her mind.

Glancing at the clock on her bedside she read that it was gone midday but she wasn’t surprised, as she’d slept badly throughout the night, tossing and turning and wondering what she should do. She knew what she wanted to do and the first person she needed to speak to was Billie.

To tell him, to tell him what she had decided.


She noticed when she entered the kitchen that it was absolutely spotlessly tidy and she knew that was because Julia had been staying here, her dad had kept it fairly tidy but he sometimes didn’t see things that really needed doing. Julia always noticed these things and Franky was going to miss her. She had been good company.

Where the hell was everybody anyway? Thought Franky then she saw a note on the kitchen table in her father’s writing.

She picked it up and read.


I’ve just taken Julia and Emily out to get an extra suitcase. All the things they have bought while here don’t seem to fit in. We’ll probably be about an hour, as Julia has to go and get her flight. Ramona is at Adrienne’s.

See you later

Dad x

Franky put the note down then went to the fridge for some orange juice wishing that Julia and her father had somehow got it together, she was sure they felt something for each other. She knew Julia liked her father because she’d mentioned something to her before and she was sure her father did but he just wasn’t prepared to do anything about it.

She sat at the kitchen table and sighed. She took a drink from her orange then reached for the house phone to dial his number.


It was time they spoke. Properly.

“Hi, Adrienne, how are you?” Said Franky on hearing Adrienne’s familiar voice.

“Hey Franky I’m good but…I heard about yesterday, Charlie was so upset by everything that had happened, we’re all so concerned about you.”

“I’m OK, still just a little shocked and gobsmacked really. I had a falling out with Hannah over it, she said James was on drugs and didn’t mean anything by it but I said I couldn’t forgive him or even talk to him right now.”

“The guy’s a little shit, he’s been stirring up trouble for some time now and that figures why Hannah totally blanked me this morning at the shop while I was getting milk. She knew I was standing in front of her in the queue and Ed looked really uncomfortable. I’m surprised at her.”

“Actually she can act weird sometimes, I think it will do us good to not speak for a day or two.”

“But she’s still coming to the wedding though isn’t she?” Said Adrienne.

“Of course…of course I shall see her there.” Said Franky. “Listen Adrienne, I need to speak to Billie about something, kind of finishing our conversation that we were having yesterday.”

“Oh Franky, didn’t he tell you?” Asked Adrienne surprise evident in her voice.

“Tell me what?” Franky replied. What didn’t he tell me?

“He’s gone to visit Bono in Ireland indefinitely. There’s so much happening over here and I think he has some ideas up his sleeve, I know he’s been working hard just recently on something or other but he hasn’t said what it is. He’s been meeting up with someone as well as he keeps getting these phone calls and goes out of the room to take them.”

Franky’s stomach fell. Billie had gone away again but then that wasn’t surprising as he’d told her that he couldn’t see her get married but she wanted to speak to him, wanted to ask his advice about something, just to make sure but now, he was gone again and Adrienne said indefinitely so that meant she didn’t know when he was coming back.

“Are you still there Franky?” Said Adrienne.

“Yes. I’m here. So…maybe…may be the calls are from a woman, do you think he has a girlfriend or something?” Said Franky. Was she jealous? She wasn’t sure. What right did she have to be jealous? Billie was entitled to be with someone because she had told him she didn’t want him, of course he could have someone else he can do what he likes.

“Who knows with Billie, you know what he’s like, he can keep things under his hat for some time. I’m sure we’ll find out about what he’s up to in time. Shall I tell him you wanted to speak to him when he calls up and speaks to the boys?” She said.

“No it’s OK, it wasn’t…that important.”

“Oh and Franky, Billie and I have decided to apply for a divorce and as soon as possible because Charlie and I are buying that beautiful little house that I’ve always adored on the corner of the street, you know the one?”

“I know the one, that’s great, I’m pleased for you both and it will be ideal for the children.”

“That’s what we thought and Billie can keep this house that he has always adored. Funny, I used to adore it too but since all that’s happened it’s only really felt like Billie’s house, it will be good for Charlie and I to get a new start together.”

Franky was glad that Billie was staying there in that house, the beautiful house that she had always adored herself. She was pleased for him because for a while she thought he’d lose it.

“You both deserve it, listen, I’m not even dressed and I’m going to see Gerard soon,” said Franky.

“How is he?” Asked Adrienne.

“I don’t really know, I’m kind of not looking forward to seeing him but I need to find out what’s been going on and why he did it.” Said Franky then she said goodbye to Adrienne, drank down her orange juice and headed upstairs to get ready to go and see Gerard.

She felt low, very low and wanted to cry so she did, she got dressed with tears streaming down her face for some unknown reason then she left the house to go and face him.

Her Fiancée, Gerard.

The one who she felt had let her down.


Julia packed the last of her stuff, all ready to go home but she really didn’t want to. She felt like calling up her work and saying that she’d never be coming back. But how could she? She hadn’t been invited to stay here with Tre indefinitely, she had no job and she had Emily and her school to consider.

She zipped up her cases and put them over by the door, ready to take downstairs for they were leaving in about an hour, after Tre had insisted on cooking for them for that was what he was like, looking out for them, he was kind, considerate and she’d fallen in love with him but she couldn’t tell him because she felt she was probably just another one, another woman that had fallen for his charms, one of his many fans that adored him and who was she anyway? She was only a nurse, a nurse from England with hardly any money, and with a daughter to look after. She was nothing special and she’d convinced herself that was why nothing had developed because Tre was famous, famous and rich and he’d probably want someone with the same type of living as he, perhaps a model, an actress, singer or something.

Not a plain old nurse from England…

“Hey, lunch is ready,” she turned, hearing his voice coming from outside the door then his face appearing around the door, he was lovely this man but she knew she’d had her time here and wondered sadly if she’d ever get to see him again.

“Just coming,” said Julia walking away from the window and her thoughts that had been running away from her.

“You all packed and ready to go?” said Tre noticing the suitcases near the door.

“Yep and thanks for getting that other case for us, I really can’t believe how much stuff we’ve accumulated.” She said following Tre down the stairs and into the kitchen, the way he walked now so familiar to her.

“No probs,” said Tre heading over to the kitchen door and opening it. “Emily! Lunch is ready!” He shouted out into the garden where Emily was playing with Milton.

They sat round the table but the mood was quiet and every now and again one of them would glance up at the clock, the minutes ticking by before they left this wonderful place and wonderful people.

“Good pasta,” Said Julia.

“Thanks,” said Tre. “Hey is Ramona still over at Adrienne’s?” He said glancing at Emily.

“Yes, we said our goodbyes this morning, she said she didn’t want to come to the airport with us, she said she’d get upset.” Said Emily who was forking up her pasta; she wasn’t that hungry, and she wasn’t looking forward to flying home. She wanted to stay here and she couldn’t understand why her and Ramona hadn’t come up with one idea for them to stay.

Tre didn’t answer, they finished up the pasta and Julia took the bowls over to the sink to wash them up.

“Hey, leave them, I’ll do them when I get back from the airport,” Tre said.

“But I always wash up if you cook,” said Julia and this was the routine they had, whoever cooked, the other washed up, it worked well between them.

“This time, I’ll do it. Please,” said Tre looking at her with his blue eyes. She turned away because she couldn’t look at them anymore. It felt wrong.

“I’ll go and start getting the cases down,” said Emily leaving the table.

“Hey…I’ll do that, they’re far too heavy,” said Tre and then he was gone. Emily sloped back off into the garden and Julia was left just standing there. She hadn’t even got a chance to say goodbye to Franky properly and she hoped that she’d get to see her before they went but obviously she wasn’t going to now.

It was over her time here and she’d have to accept it.

She could hear Tre struggling with the cases out in the hall and went to open the front door so that he could load them into his car when Tre spoke.

“Julia…what’s this?” He said showing her a photograph of him and her together. It was taken not long after she’d arrived; they were both talking and smiling, looking at each other. Charlie had taken it and had printed it out and given a copy to Julia to take home with her along with a few others but this one must have fallen out of her hand luggage.

“Oh…that’s a picture of you and I that Charlie took. He thought I’d like it.” She said watching Tre as he stared at the photograph. “He’s such a great photographer isn’t he?” she said picking up one of the smaller cases and heading off through the front door.

“Julia.” She heard Tre whisper. Or had she? Had Tre just spoken her name or was she imagining it? I must have imagined it she thought to herself as she carried on walking out to the car.

“Julia. Don’t go.” She heard, and then turning she saw Tre looking at her with a look she’d not seen before.

“What?” She said. She must have misheard because she was sure he’d said don’t go. Stupid, thinking something like that when she was about to leave. She’d have to stop this and pick herself up and move on when she’d got back to England, may be even look for another job somewhere.

“I said don’t go. Stay, stay here with me, come and live here,” he said coming towards her, the photograph still in his hands. “I’ve…I’ve left it too late I know but I think….oh for god’s sake Julia. you.” He said. “I just didn’t think that you felt the same way and thought I’d better not pursue it after everything that’s happened to me, I got scared and I didn’t want you feeling that…well…I was taking advantage of your or something.” He said looking down.

Julia reached up and touched his face, encouraging him to look at her and he did.

“But I love you too Tre and I should have said something but was scared because…of your lifestyle, of spoiling what time Emily and I had here, I was hoping that something could develop but I didn’t think you felt like this too.” She was smiling now, from ear to ear. Tre loved her, he didn’t want her to go and she didn’t want to go. It was what she had wanted from the moment she’d arrived; from the moment she’d laid eyes on him. “I have nothing to offer you, I have no money and…”

But Tre interrupted her. “Julia, you have so much to offer, you’re a wonderful person and you have Emily. I’ve thought long and hard about this, don’t think I haven’t but I’m just crap at timing. I love you and want you to be with me. Will you?”

“Of course I will, please hug me Tre,” she said as Tre came towards her, his solid frame wrapping himself around her and she’d never felt so loved, wanted and happy in her whole life.

At the doorway Emily grinned, a huge grin that matched her mothers and immediately went to her phone to call Ramona.


He looked so handsome and he always was, he was such a good-looking guy, even when he didn’t look well. He was a good guy and she really couldn’t understand what he’d got himself into here. He’d explained but she still thought him a little weak.

“I hate James,” she said, finally after a few minutes silence.

“Try not to hate him,” said Gerard. He was sitting next to her, he loved Franky but felt he didn’t really deserve her. He’d been a fool and a weak man having fallen for James’ obvious plan but she seemed to understand. He’d hurt Franky badly and wanted to make up for it. The only true thing he felt ashamed about was sleeping with that girl but hopefully Franky would never find out about that, he wanted to forget it and just marry Franky and be with her.

“How can I not? After what he tried to do to me. He very nearly raped me Gerard, I’m not going to forget that in a hurry.” She said looking at Gerard.

“I know but the guy is ill, may be if he got himself sorted out, things will turn out right for him.”

“But I don’t care about him, he’s ruined things for us, he’s manipulative and I don’t think he’s ill. He’s just got himself into drugs. He needs help, yeah but that’s for him to do. Anyway, I heard that Billie helped you out.”

“Yeah, Billie’s been great, he got me sorted but I feel awful about the whole thing. I owe him Franky, I need to speak to him and say thank you.”

“He’s gone away for a while.” Because he can’t face watching me marry you.

“Oh…well, when he gets back then, we’ll thank him together, that OK? Oh my god Franky, I can’t believe we’re going to be married soon, living here and waiting for the baby to arrive. Can you?”

“No, I can’t believe it either,” said Franky. But she’d forgiven him, he would be OK when they were married and she could help him properly.

“What are you going to do about your band now?” Gerard said.

“I really don’t want to think about it, it seems as though it’s fallen apart. I can’t imagine ever playing with James again after this and I don’t know how it will be with Hannah. I’ll have to just see.”

“Come here,” said Gerard. “In two days I can call you my wife. Mrs Francesca Way. How does that sound?”

“It sounds…just fine.” Said Franky as she snuggled up to Gerard.

Later, as she lay next to Gerard in his bed Franky couldn’t sleep because all she could think about was Billie and the fact that she wanted to call him up but couldn’t, he had gone again, she didn’t know how long for or whether or not he was with anyone and these thoughts kept her awake for most of the night, tossing and turning, thinking and wondering about Billie while Gerard slept soundly beside her not even realising that his future wife was thinking about another man.