Sequel: Hope

Purple Hearts


Tre picked up the house phone. He just about got to it, he was sure it was going to ring off as he’d been in the garden playing with Milton.

“Hi,” said Tre into the phone, slightly breathless.

“Hello,” said a woman with an English voice. It took him back and for a moment, for an instant he thought it was his Sammi. Snap out of it Tre.

“Is that Francesca’s father?” said the English woman.

“Yes it is,” said Tre thinking how stupid he was thinking that it could have been Sammi anyway, this woman sounds completely different.

“I was just wondering if she was around? This is Julia, I missed her call, she left a message for me earlier on my answer phone.” She said.

“Julia,” said Tre. “Franky did mention you, you and your daughter Emily are the friends that she made in England. Don’t you live in her old house or something?” said Tre.

“Yes we do and I’d just like to say that your daughter is such a lovely girl, Emily hasn’t stopped talking about her since her visit here,” she said.

“That sounds like Franky, she seems to have that affect on people,” said Tre. “She’s actually out at the moment Julia can I give her a message at all?” he said ever so politely.

“Well… I needed to speak to her you see, well you know we’re due to come out soon, in about a month?”

“Of course,” said Tre but really he’d kind of forgotten.

“Listen its so good of you to put us up, are you sure its OK? You really don’t know us at all and…”

But Tre interrupted.

”Hey Julia, its fine, not a problem at all. Franky has good judgement and any friend of Franky’s is a friend of mine and all that,” he said.

“I haven’t flown before,” said Julia, “and I’m not sure about how to go about getting the best deal.”

“Julia, leave it with me,” said Tre.

“Oh,” said Julia.

”Look, I’m jumping the gun, our manager gets the best deals and if you don’t mind then I’ll get him to sort it out for you.” Said Tre.

“If you’re sure…” said Julia reluctantly as she didn’t want to be a pain.

“I’m sure, now how about you tell me what Franky got up to in England,” he said then laughed.


Tre came off the phone and glanced at his watch. Damn, he’d been on the phone for almost an hour, which was ages for him; he hardly ever spoke on the phone for long. Julia seemed a very interesting and amusing lady and he suddenly wondered what she looked like. Then he realised how stupid he was to start thinking like that. He’d already made his decision; there was no way that he was getting into a relationship. No way. He was done with them. He’d miss women in that way, of course but... no women meant no hassle and that was how he wanted it.


Julia came off the phone and as soon as she did she started shaking when realisation hit her. She’d been talking to Tre Cool, the famous drummer with that band that Emily just didn’t stop going on about and lived and breathed. What on earth were they chatting about? What had she been saying to him? They’d shared a laugh but… what must he think of her? Chatting away like that. You’re an idiot Julia she thought to herself as she went back to ironing her nurses uniform. One thing though, that guy, Tre Cool he had the most amazing voice, one of the sexiest, toe curling, spine tingling voices she had ever heard.


After the phone conversation Tre went into the kitchen and checked into the freezer to see what he could serve up for dinner that evening. No idea. May be we could go to the Chopstick Bowl for a meal. No he couldn’t do that again, he couldn’t keep making an excuse to not cook dinner and go there again. He liked cooking but sometimes it became a chore.

The house was deathly quiet and as Tre glanced out of the window he noticed that Milton was wandering into the next door garden and Tre grinned to himself and thought ‘go on boy’ as he walked to the CD player and pressed play.

He didn’t expect that, not one bit. An old rock ballad sung by Billie Joe. Shit, how on earth did that get in there? He’d never heard that before. Tre went to the CD player and popped it open then read what was on the CD, the personal message written on the front just for Franky.

Tre didn’t know what to think.


“Oh my god Charlie they are so good,” said Adrienne, “just wait until everyone sees them. They are just… I can’t describe how good.”

Charlie felt so honoured as he watched the beautiful woman that he had always had the hots for looking at his work and praising him. He knew he was out of her league, he was so much younger and convinced that it was Tre she liked. He wouldn’t stand a chance so he’d stay clear and just get his head down and get on with making his life here in California.


Hannah and Ed came out of the hospital. They had an appointment and Hannah had a full check up and was told that everything would be fine. In the car on the way home the atmosphere was so quiet then Hannah got out from her bag the ultrasound photograph that the nurse had given her of her little baby.

It was to be a boy.

Tre’s baby boy was to be born in about 7 ½ months and now Hannah had seen him moving around on the screen she felt a lot easier about it, all she had to do was to start telling everyone, her mother and James especially. Tre would get to know soon too but hopefully he would never guess that it was his baby.

She quickly put the photograph back into her handbag and sat next to Ed as he drove her home in silence.

Ed felt worse after he’d seen the scan of the baby. It all suddenly became real that he had got to pretend to be the father of this child that Hannah was carrying.

And now he wasn’t sure that he could go through with it.


Ramona was sobbing next to Franky in the car. They’d been sitting there for twenty minutes because Ramona wasn’t sure that she could face Tre yet, she just wanted to get her head together.

“Ramona we need to get you home, we need to call up your mother, she’ll find out that you haven’t been to school and she’ll be getting worried.” Said Franky looking over at Ramona.

“She doesn’t care, all she has is this Steven guy. Its all she thinks about, Steven this and Steven that, she’s hardly noticed me lately.” Ramona said then sniffed into a well-used tissue.

“Of course she does silly its just that she has a new boyfriend and sometimes when someone new comes into your life you make a little more effort with them. Is he a nice guy?” Asked Franky.

Ramona shrugged.

“So what happened?” Franky said, frowning.

Ramona just shrugged again and said she didn’t want to talk about it.

Franky knew that this wasn’t getting them anywhere.

“Listen is there somewhere else you’d rather go to that home? We can’t sit here all day.”

“How about Uncle Mikes?” said Ramona looking over at her older half sister.

Good old Uncle Mike, thought Franky as she put the car into gear and set off to Uncle Mikes and Aunt Jens.

They were so surprised to see them both but Uncle Mike and Aunt Jen let them in knowing that something wasn’t quite right here.

Jen led Ramona through to the kitchen while Mike spoke to Franky in the hallway.

“Oh my god she looks like you did a few years ago,” said Mike.

“I know. I noticed it straight away too, the hair, the nails, the clothes, everything. She was even trying to talk like me, some of her words definitely sounded as though she as trying to be English,” said Franky quite concerned now about her half sister.

“I think I’ll call Tre up and explain, you go through to the kitchen and may be someone should call up Lisea too, she’ll be worried sick,” said Mike going into his study and closing the door.

“I hate him,” she heard Ramona saying to Aunt Jen.

“Why honey?” said Jen concerned and looking up as Franky entered the room.

“He’s taken Mom away from me and they do so much together, I end up sitting with a babysitter all the time. Even Dad has his new family, he doesn’t want me either.”. Then she started getting up from the table. “I think this was a bad idea, Dad will just send me back to Moms and I don’t want to go there.” She said looking anxious.

”Don’t be stupid,” said Franky sternly, “your mother will be worried sick about you and so will Dad when he finds out. Of course he loves you he just doesn’t see you very often that’s all what with your schooling. Why do you think he flies out to you more often than not because it’s easier for him to come to you than you to come here. I haven’t seen you in years because your mother doesn’t like you to fly over, this has nothing to do with Dad, he’s always asking your mother to let you come out and he is so looking forward to seeing you again. Dads great and he’ll understand; he’ll let you stay with us you know he will.”

Then Ramona started crying and Franky went to her.

“But he loves you more, when you came in to his life you took him away from me. You and… you and Sammi. When I always saw Dad it was just Frankito and me and it was great, suddenly there were two new people and I… I didn’t like it and now Mom has this Steve I feel…”

“You feel left out,” finished Franky

“Yep,” Ramona sniffed and nodded.

“Well Dad will hate it that you feel that way you know,” said Franky. “Come on dry your face, he’s on his way over here and I think we need to call your mother.”

“I want Dad to do it,” said Ramona looking nervous suddenly.

“Of course,” said Franky.


Tre was shocked and felt guilty about how Ramona was feeling.

“How can I make it up to her Franky,” said Tre when they had got back home as he made some lunch for his two daughters.

“I don’t think you can, just make sure she’s a part of the family, its not your fault at all,” said Franky as Ramona was taking a bath upstairs and cleaning herself up.

“She looks and sounds like you, what’s she playing at?” said Tre.

“She’s at that age,” said Franky, “she just needs understanding and a little attention but then a little space as well.”

“Jeeze, you women are complicated,” said Tre, “I’m so glad I’m not involved with anyone at the moment. I have enough to cope with; with you two,” he said laying some food out onto the kitchen table and shaking his head.

“Seriously though, what’s she doing cutting the guys clothes up, designer outfits and suits?” He said turning to Franky.

“She was jealous of him and he paid her no attention, hardly spoke to her at all and I don’t think Lisea realised.” Franky said feeling sorry for her Dad.

“Lisea feels guilty and she’s agreed that she can stay here for now. The holidays are in two weeks so she can stay for those also just like we planned,” said Tre.

“Poor Ramona,” said Franky thinking that she would have to go back eventually.

“I think she’ll be OK. She’s a tough cookie, just like you,” said Tre grabbing a sandwich from the plate of many.

I don’t feel like a tough cookie right now thought Franky, quite the opposite.


The afternoon band practice was weird thought Franky. James was sniffing again.

“Have you got a cold or something?” Franky said to him. He was beginning to annoy her with his sniffing.

“Not sure, may be I’m allergic,” said James grabbing a hanky from his pocket.

“Allergic to us then,” said Hannah because you only seem to sniff while we’re playing.

“Do I?” said James. “Yeah I must be allergic to you guys then,” he said then laughed, nervously.


“Now wait until you see these,” said Adrienne coming into the room just as the guys were finishing off their practice, “they’re awesome,” she said as Charlie came in right behind her with a portfolio.

Adrienne was smiling all over her face and so was Charlie. It was good to see her smile after their discovery the other day. Seeing her again had reminded her of the gun sitting upstairs in her wardrobe. She’d kind of forgotten then hadn’t really. Who could forget a gun hidden away in the back of their wardrobe and a real gun at that.

The photos were amazing. They were black and white and purple. Everywhere a purple heart appeared Charlie had made that purple. Franky had purple nails and the beads around her neck were purple, the streak in her hair was purple and so were the bracelets on Hannah’s arms. Black, white with a hint of purple. They were amazing.

“Charlie these are fantastic,” said Franky.

“They’re awesome dude,” said James.

“I love them, look at the purple parts,” said Hannah.

“Wicked,” said Ed.

Then Tre was over taking a look and then patted Charlie on the back.

“You’ve done an amazing job,” said Tre, “I’ve never seen anything like them. You’re going places kid.”

Charlie was slightly embarrassed but took it well and felt proud that everyone enjoyed his stuff.

Franky was so pleased for her friend also, pleased and proud. The shots were awesome and they all looked so cool.

Things were taking off.

The phone was ringing and Tre went off to answer it.

“Yes dude, yes she’s here, I’ll get her for you,” said Tre.

“Franky its Gerard.” Tre called over to his daughter.

“Oh shit,” said Franky putting her hand up to her mouth. “I forgot I was meant to go and see him today,” she said hurrying towards the phone.

“Hi Gerard, I’m so sorry but a lot has happened today, I’ll explain it all to you when I see you. Of course I can, I’ll drive over as soon as I can. See you in a while.” Then she replaced the phone onto the table.

“Are we finished off here?” said Franky to the guys

“Yeah I think so,” said James.

“Well I’m going to head off to Gerard’s, I promised him I’d go and see him,” she said grabbing he bag and getting out her car keys. “I’ll see you later on.”

They all said goodbye and Franky headed up the stairs then out of the front door but Adrienne caught up with her just as she got to the front door.

“Franky,” she said coming up behind her. “Remember, Joey’s back tomorrow,” she said looking pale once more.

Don’t remind me thought Franky kind of wanting to run away again, run away, just like Billie had done, may be he had the right idea after all.

She let herself into her car and drove to Gerards.

Outside the apartment block she sat in her car for a moment just to think. He would want an answer, an answer to his proposal.

She looked up at his apartment where she could see him looking out.

Was she ready to give him an answer?

Yes. She knew what the answer would be.