Dude, You're Not Going to Believe This!

Who Doesn't Understand Pretty ***ing Red Letters?

Natallie was laying on her bed, failing miserably at any attempt she made for sleep. She blew her black hair out of her face to entertain herself when, for some reason, I popped into her thoughts.... the rest of that night went kind of like this:


"Shiz, man! I'm bored! Meh, Nicole's probably on Gaia or something. I'll see what she's destroying. Hmm-AAH! DAMNIT!"

[Hah! She didn't see that jacket there...Okay, Nat, get up and check on me already!]

"Stupid jacket........Hey, new message. Click! Ooh lookie! Pretty red letters! Let's see....Oh beejus..." she groaned.

[On her computer screen:]

"OMOMGOMGOM!!! CLICKTHISNOWBITCH!Y!!!!wehavetogoczthiisHUGEEEE!!andihavetogo,butidontknowificanandiwannagoSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOadtillhavetoseandiwntyutogotoo!!!canyougoleaseayyoullgo!!buticatpromisouillobutianngoSOOOOOObadimgnaadieifidonandAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!CLICKITNOW!!!!!"

"...What the hell are you on, Nicole? Wait.....yah, she was on at one agan.....Ugh, that's Nicole... I really need to do something about her."

[Aww! See how she looks out for me? Okay, now!]


The next morning at school, I could hardly contain myself, despite my morning grog. I made my way over to our usual table in the patio area and found Natallie, scrambling to finish her math [like always].

"NATALLIEEEEEE!" I lunged towards her and wrapped her in my usual morning hug-greeting thingy. And as usual, she tolerated it for a bit, then...


"What, Bitchy?"

"Get off me."

Anyways, after a sad momet, I went onto my new discovery. "Didja get it? Didja get it? Didja get it!?" I questioned, bouncing in my excitement.

"Yes, I got it. What the hell was it?" She looked at me with one of those puzled looks she was so good at. I smiled.

"....Oh....You were serious?" Yeah, my face kind of fell after that.

...Unfortunately, she didn't understand a word of my letter. Apparently, in my excitement, I hadn't bothered to use the space bar....at all. So? It was in pretty red letters! Who doesn't understand pretty fucking red letters!?

[Uhm, yeah...about that...Obviously not Natallie.]

So after a couple minutes and a few good whacks on my head, we got it all sorted out nice and pretty. We were officilly going to see the Black Parade, live and in person.