The Virus Of Life



"Gerard, just give me some space" I paused as I wailed my arms in the air frustrated at my boyfriend of two years. "I'm not in the mood"

"Just a quickie" He slurred back following me into the hall on our top floor.

I turned to face him as he continued to follow me, "Gerard, your pissed and I'm not in the mood" I yelled at him.

"Roxanne please" He moaned as he touched my arm gently. I immediately pulled away from it, feeling uncomfortable at the moment by his touch.

I hate it when he's out of it like this, which is nearly every night. He's so different when he hasn’t had a drink, and I know he doesn’t mean to be like this and that it’s the alcohol taking over him, but sometimes I cant help but hate him for being like this.

I turned around again making my way to the stairs.

"Come on" He moaned again.

And that’s what made me snap. "Just leave me fucking alone" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

And that’s when it happened. I was concentrating more on shouting at him than watching where my feet were going. The next thing I knew I was falling and with a thud hit the ground. I felt my head pound as I touched it gently looking back at my hand to see blood.

"Gerard" I whispered faintly.

I heard him rush down the stairs and crouch down besides me. I moaned in pain as I heard the door open behind me.

"What the hell happened?" I recognised Frank's voice, he was coming over to hang out with me and Gee for the night.

"She fell" Gerard slurred back.

That’s where I started to get bleak.
There was only one thing I remember before I fainted.

"Gerard" I barely whispered, "The baby"

And that’s it.
That’s where it all went blank for me.


So yeah, unsure whether to carry on or not, can't make up my mind.
Give me feedback please, so I can update it.
Thank you in advance.