The Virus Of Life



I sat on the leather sofa in the changing rooms waiting for the guys to finish performing. They were currently performing their new album called the Black Parade to the world, well not the world more like Houston to be honest. I sat there listening to the echoes of their music filling the building.

I looked at the grey clock on the wall to see how long they had been performing for. I broke my view from the clock as I glanced down at my hand looking the ring on my finger. Gerard and I had only been married for two months now. It was all a blur, I can hardly remember the wedding day, the day Gerard proposed to me has stayed in my mind though.

It was Christmas day and Gerard woke me up in the morning to come downstairs and open the gifts under the tree. I followed him downstairs holding his hand all the way when before me stood a practically empty Christmas tree which the day before we had spent decorating.

"Gee, what did you do to the tree? We spent ages on it." I asked him confused at the sight.

I wiped my eyes from tiredness as he answered back, "Just go look at it" I turned my face from looking at him to look at the tree. As I took a few steps towards it, I let my eyes and mind wonder the tree as I looked it up and down, when something glinting caught my eye.

I let out a small smile as I pulled the item off the branch of the tree.

"So what do you say, Roxy?" I smiled as wide as I could as I looked at the beautiful silver diamond encrusted ring to him as he stood in front of me. "Will you marry me?"

Of course I accepted his proposal, who wouldn’t?

I didn’t accept it for the rock star image he has or the 'in your face' performer that everyone knows him as, I accepted it for the loving and caring person that I know when he's not behind the microphone singing his heart out.

I snapped out of my thoughts as the door opened revealing my friends dripping in sweat from their performance. I stood up from my seat as they all rushed around the room trying to grab their bits as they had to rush off to the touring van to get off to the next venue.

I smiled softly at Gerard as he walked over to me with a bottle of water in his hands. "Come on, we gotta hop on the bus" I nodded my head as I followed him and the rest of the boys to it.

Within a few minutes we arrived at the hotel we were staying at for this area until the morning when we would leave it for the next venue.

Once Gerard and I were alone in our hotel room I laid on the bed as I watched him change to some comfortable clothes once he got out the shower to rinse himself from his performance tonight. I smiled weakly at him as he laid down on the bed next to me.

"You've been quiet today you know, hardly said anything" Gerard said softly breaking the silence. "It's cos its been three years isn't it' I nodded again.

I knew that at that exact moment that Gerard was thinking exactly the same thing as me. If I hadn't have fallen down those stairs and we had not gotten in that row, right now we would have had a beautiful baby boy.