The Virus Of Life



I stirred form my sleep as I head Gerard's voice talking to me softly, "honey, it's 11am, we should be getting up"

I opened my eyes and looked at the clock on the wall I nodded my head to his statement as I rubbed my eyes adjusting them to the light in the room and to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Gerard asked me as he got out of bed and put some clothes on.

"Just some toast and jam" I mumbled still lying in the bed.

"Alright, stay there and I'll bring it to you" He replied as he walked out of the room to head downstairs and make it.

"No Gerard, don’t worry I'll come down for it" I shouted after him as I heard him go down the stairs.

"Stay there" He demanded back.

"Fine" I said quietly to myself.

I sat up in bed as I looked out the window seeing a small bird sitting on a tree. After ten minutes, Gerard came through the doorway.

"I'm here" he sang as he placed the tray on the spot next to me on the bed side where he sleeps .

"Aww baby" I cooed as he sat down on the bed. I smiled as I took a piece of toast and took a bite out of it. "It's tasty you want some?"

He shook his head, "I had a bite downstairs"

"You’re a good cook you know" I told him with my mouth full.

"Well you know what they say, Italians are good cooks and I am half Italian" I laughed at his remark. "So what do you wanna do today?"

I finished my bite before I answered his question, "Well I was gonna give my sister a call and see if I could visit her since I haven't seen her ages what with being on the tour with you" I paused as I took a swig at the drink of water he had brought up with the toast. "You can come if you want"

"Yeeah, if she doesn’t mind. I haven't got anything else to do"

"Okay, well I'm gonna get dressed and give her a call then" I moved the tray onto the table next to me as I placed a kiss on my husbands lips. "Thank you for that"

"Anything for my beautiful wife" He replied as he stroked the side of my cheek.

I gave him another quick kiss as I got up and dressed before calling my sister.


I smiled at my sister Debbie as she opened the door I had just rang a second ago.

"Rox!" She exclaimed as he hugged me before pulling away and hugging Gerard "Gerard!" Both Gerard and I laughed at her. "Come on in" She added as she ushered us into her house.

"Where's my beautiful niece and nephew?" I asked as I walked into the lounge.

"Oh, their upstairs drawing" She replied before shouting their names for them to come down. "Samantha…… .. . … Ben"

"So how are you?" I asked her as I took a seat on the sofa.

"I'm good, now what do you two want to drink?" She asked making her way to the kitchen.

"I'll have a coffee" Gerard replied to her.

"Just water for me" I added in.

"AUNTIE, UNCLE!" I smiled at my five year old niece as she came running over to me embracing me in a big warm hug.

"Hey" I paused as I hugged her back, "Where's Ben?" I looked over to where she was pointing and saw my three year old nephew Ben crawling over to where Gerard and I were sitting.

"Come here little guy" Gerard told Ben as he walked over to him and picked him up. "You've grown since I last saw you" he added in as he came over with Ben in his arms and sat down next to me.

"So how have you two been" I asked the both of them looking to Samantha to answer as Ben can't really talk yet at his age.

"Yeah we've both been good, I missed you Auntie Rox and you too Gerry"

I looked at my sister as she came into the room with the drinks. "You two go upstairs now, I need to talk to your Auntie and Uncle" Gerard and I both waved at the two as they ran off to probably go and continue drawing.

"Now you two, I need to ask a really big favour" I laughed at the way she empathised on the way she said 'big'. "I need you to look after Ben and Sam just for three days I have to go out of the city for work and Tim's in Spain for his work"

"Debbie, I don’t know. Gerard and I only have eight days before he goes back on tour and we just really wanted to spend it together" I stopped talking as Gerard butted in.

"No Rox, don’t worry. Yeah were happily do that"

I looked over at Gerard, "You sure?" I asked him.

"Totally, it'll be fun" He gave me a reassuring smile before he turned his face to talk to Debbie. "So when shall we get them?"

"Oh not tomorrow, but the next day" We both nodded our heads. "So tell me all about this tour then"

I laughed at Gerard as he started to tell my sister all about his adventures on tour with the boys and I.