Torchwood- Forever

Chapter One

"Disturbing joke Jack. Wait that was a joke wasn't it?" Gwen looked around to the rest of her team. She could never tell wether they were just playing about, especially tonight. The ex-police officer had joined the team exactly a year before. She didn't know the traditions the Torchwood team kept. Her very much respected team leader, Captain Jack, probably made them. That put her more on edge.

"You know what they did on my one year work anniversary?" Owen was looking over his shoulder as he said this.

"I know you don't. We had a call from Swindon police asking us wether we knew anyone called 'Owen Harper'.They had to drag you out of a ditch." Toshiko was, even on the night off, twiddling with the handheld scanner she took everywhere. She didn't look up from it's flashing lights as she spoke.

"Well a few nights in A and E helped didn't it Owen?" Jack was taking off his earpeice as he spoke.

As the SUV spun the last corner, Ianto slowed it down to a gradual halt. "Here we are. What you want with an empty warehouse I don't know."

They all climbed out, Ianto straightening his tie. He lead the team to the huge doors and got out a key. He unlocked them and dissappered into the shadows.

Jack and Toshiko followed leaving Gwen and Owen outside. "Let's just hope there isn't a Weevil stadium in there. I couldn't bare seeing someone get mullered by one."

"Nice Owen. Really, that just raised my confidence no end." Gwen shoved him jokingly and walked in. "To think, a year ago we hated eachothers guts."

"Well, I think almost getting killed by Ianto's cyber girlfriend and eaten by cannables did it." Dr Harper said following her.

They could only just see the lights from Toshiko's scanner flashing in the distance. Owen, then, disappered from PC Cooper's side.

"Wait! Were am I? Ianto are you near the lights?" Jack's strong American accent echoed though the desolate warehouse.

There was the echo of a click, and in a few seconds the lights flashed on."Found them." Ianto straightened his pristine suit.

"What are we doing in an empty warehouse?" Owen winced as a rat ran across his trainers.

Jack lead the curious team through a door to a heavily bolted up one. He pulled the keys out of a deep pocket of his ancient greatcoat. The door swung open, showing a huge computer that Toshiko zoomed towards.

"This is Gwen's present? All I got was an unpublished, signed book of theorys from Steven Hawking."

"If you count that as all, then you must've been a spoilt brat when you were younger." Owen said holding a bottle of beer, one that Ianto had been handing out. He gave her a little smile, "Only joking."

"Can any of you tell me what it is?" Jack shrugged off his greatcoat and placed it on the back of a chair.

There was a slight cough, "Sir, isn't it a high residual rift predictor?" Ianto turned back to the tray of beers.

"You see? I only hire the best."
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Torchwood is amazing, and I hope i've lived up to the five stars I have!!!

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