Torchwood- Forever

Chapter Eleven

"I think Ianto's idea is certainly a sensible one. But I wouldn't try it on anyone." There was a pause as Owen held his head. "It's risky , and we don't have any. They can cure death, that's why we don't. We'd use them for our own greed." He held his head in cupped hands.

Gwen limped towards him, "i can only just remember Tosh having a headache, then the rest of my memory of last night just disappears." She placed her hand on Dr Harper's shoulder.

Jack quickly turned away, "Yeah, pounding headache. Let's check the 'Predictor'. The ICU might've changed." He then sped off down to the basements.

There was a faint crash above the hub. "Did you hear that?" Ianto ran up to the tourist information center. "Hello?" He looked around. No one there.

Then from the doorway, a tall woman held a crowbar above her head. "Me? Fired? Why didn't the Retcon work? W- Why didn't it erase my memory? I would've been better off that way." she swung for the young welshman, hitting him across the face with one blow. Knocking him out.

The woman stepped over him and walked through the passage way down to the hub.

"Ianto? Who was there?" Gwen was now standing, balancing herself on the computer desk.

"I was." The woman was in the cog porthole.

Owen removed his hand from his head. It was covered in blood. "Um, this is bad. We have no time for you." He reached for his gun and aimed it at the woman's head. One bullet in the stomach was all it took for her to be rolling around on the floor screaming in agony.

Gwen looked in disbelief, why would he do that? Jack appeared at the top of the ladder leading to the basements. "What's gone on here? Hannah? What's she doing hers? And more importantly, why is she rolling around on the floor? Owen?" Captain Harkness was full of questions at that moment.

PC Cooper looked over to Dr Harper. He was just lying there covered in blood. Gwen had a flashback, it was of her finding Toshiko. She gulped.

Ianto fell through the porthole holding his bleeding head. "Woah! What happened here." The two conscious people looked at the young man in concern.

"Is there a reason your head's bleeding?" Gwen lowered herself down as her legs were getting tired. She still couldn't walk properly.