Torchwood- Forever

Chapter Twelve

"I was hit in the head with a crowbar by Hannah. Lucky Owen's a bad shot when in pain." Ianto started working on his wound. "I hate the meddling Miss Simms, but where is my say on who lives and dies."

Jack was heaving the tall dark haired ex-Torchwood employee up on to the autopsy table, while Gwen was tugging Owen on to the already blood soaked sofa.

"Is there a reason us three affected yet?" PC Cooper had a towel on her lap and Dr Harper's head resting on it. She had the urge tho stroke it, but she didn't. She had thought of the reason why she wanted to. It was that she felt alone as she didn't have Rhys, thus, meaning, she tried to get comfort off other people. She thought it was Owen she was seeking comfort off as they had a relationship once and he couldn't argue with her, saying it was ironic or that malarkey.

"Well, it could be 'Hacking' into our brain signals one by one. Tosh and Owen have lots of top secret stuff going around their heads Then again, why not do this to you, Jack?" Ianto was spinning around on a computer chair.

"Board room, now." They all headed up the stairs into the room they had all their discussions. "I've already watched allot of deaths as I can't die, I have made the connection between them two. I chose them, they barely had a choice in the situations they were in." Jack was standing in front of the huge screen, used to hold data on.

"Jack, what's that?" Gwen was staring at Captain Harkness, but when he moved to the right a little bit, he noticed her gray blue eyes were pinned upon a certain point of the screen.

"Oh my god. Jack do you see that?" Ianto was now rushing up to the screen. There was, indeed, something there. "'We flew across the stars' Let me just" Ianto had started reading the screen but needed to zoom in."'Hacking, spreading viruses. We are uncatchable. Your employees, full of knowledge. They threaten us, we fight. Emotions, new. Souls, sold. We kill for fun, as earth is a breeding ground of the worst form of virus. Human.' Wow, that's deep."

"There's more, 'We are the controllers of the night. Your world has great history and future. We are timeless.' They're psychotic." Jack knew they were writing to distract. There was an incoming call, Jack answered, "Torchwood, what?"

"We've had reports of a dark red light coming from your water tower, is everything alright? Do we need to send back up?" It was UNIT.

"Oh god, it's the virus. The virus is a gas. An antidote to man. I found the connection that's an important one, they both have medical degree's of sorts." Gwen felt one of her legs weaken. "They both would try and stop the, whatever it is." The more reasons she bought up, the weaker she became. Eventually, she was being picked up off the floor.