Torchwood- Forever

Chapter Thirteen


Gwen found herself being placed onto the table in the middle of the board room by Jack, "Found any books that tell us what's wrong with her?" He shouted down the stairs to Ianto, who was rummaging in some cupboards.

"Found it!!!" The welshman held a book above his head. He started running up the stairs. Then stopped. He looked up at Jack. Then, without warning, flew back and smashed into the water tower.

Jack jumped over the railings of the scaffold styled staircase. "Ianto!!" He grabbed his earpiece. "UNIT please.." HIs american accent bounced off every wall, creating an eery effect. He sprinted towards the young man. "Code nine at Torchwood three. I repeat code nine." He panicked, he had never felt so vulnerable, but he felt alive.

Ianto's bandage on his head had fallen off, showing the wound from the crowbar, and the fresh one. UNIT burst in, guns pointing anywhere and everywhere. They lowered them when they saw Captain Harkness kneeling on the floor.

"Jack? What happened here? Oh my god." It was Martha Jones. An old companion of the Doctor's. She looked around at the hub, spotting several, what seemed to be, corpses. "Don't touch anything.." She must've been the authority figure in charge of UNIT in this operation.

"It's the computer. The residual rift predictor. It's killing us off one by one. It's gassing the human race." Jack's eyes were flooded with tears. Martha had never seen him so vulnerable, even when the Master was torturing him he maintained an obnoxious outlook.

A man from UNIT emerged from the basements. "We've found something. It's a computer of some sort." He was wearing full military gear other than the red beret. That was UNIT.

"Get all the best computer hackers you can find.. Get them to disable the mainframe." Martha had her arm around Jack's shoulder.

Jack looked at her. "Got the Doctors number?" His face had cleared up. Dr Jones passed the captain her mobile. He scrolled down the list of names and eventually got to the Doctors. He pressed the speed dial button. "Hi Doctor, it's Jack.. Do you have a way to disable a computer? OK, but hurry. You have all the time in the universe to see it. OK." Jack hung up. "He's a space man and he has a mobile phone."