Torchwood- Forever

Chapter Two


He couldn't bare to think of it, forever, it'd be too long, no-one should live forever. It would be uncanny. He wouldn't be able to cope with everyone he loved dieing around him. He had already lived long enough. The one person he hoped could help him didn't have the foggiest in what to do.

Jack heaved himself up out of his office chair and walked over to the coffee machine. Why him? He would've wanted this before he met The Doctor, but not now. He cared too much, He loved too much.

He heared a small cough, coming from the other side of the hub. "Sir?" It was Ianto, "Sir, the rift is going, er, haywire."

"Ooh, I like the new technical term. We must get a dictonary written up. Anyway, call Toshiko get her here first then the other two." Jack seemed calm. Probably too calm for the situation. He needed sleep, but he wasn't going to now, maybe not ever. Not any more.

Ianto walked off up to the tourist information center. He prefered to make the calls there than in the hub. He didn't know why.

Picking up the phone he dialled Toshiko's number. As he waited for the scientist to pick up, he looked at the clock. Twelve A.M.

"Hello?" There was a crackling voice on the other side making Ianto jump..

"Toshiko? Is that you?" The welshman was bewlidered at the sound of the voice.

"Ianto? God, I'll be over right away." Then silence.