Torchwood- Forever

Chapter Three

"Nope, nothing. Not even a cat. Tosh you need a new computer." Owen was standing in an empty warehouse cross armed.

Gwen emerged from behind a door, "Nothing there either." Wind was bellowing through the broken windows. The ex-police officer pulled her jacket tighter around her.

"But I was sure there was activity here." Toshiko was clutching her scanner extra tight double checking the rift activity.

Owen started walking out, "You've lost your knack Tosh."

The others followed, Jack was the last person to the door. Suddenly, there was this sound, the sound of a computer power up. He spun round to see a blue light emerging from the room Gwen checked.

He glimpsed behind him to see wether the others saw it, but they were already gone. He didn't care for the saying 'Curiosity killed the cat.' In fact he dated the guy who created it. Captain Jack got out his Webley revolver and started creeping up to the door.

As he spun around the corner he saw a huge high residual rift predictor. He walked up to the machine, gun held tight.

The door locked itself trapping Jack in. He spun around to see a key in the lock.

"Strange. Why lock me in and put the key in the lock?" He mumbled to himself.

Captain Harkness unlocked the door and locked it after he left the room.

“Come on!!” Owen was revving the SUV’s engine. Jack emerged from the warehouse. He could hear the water hitting the side of a docked boat.

“I thought the fifty first century was in a hurry, go to the twenty firstt.” He slid into the passenger seat. As soon as the door had slammed shut, the jet black car sped off back to the back to the middle of Cardiff, outside the Millennium Centre.

“I can’t believe I got woken up for this.” Gwen said, climbing out of the car.