Torchwood- Forever

Chapter Five

As the crew clambered out of the car, Toshiko rubbed her head. "Headache?" Jack asked, she nodded. "Get Owen to give you something for it." Dr Harper gave the captain a glare. all three men were carrying the crate, it wan't the computer that was heavy, just the box.

Using Ianto's keys, Gwen unlocked the doors and held them open for the struggling men.

As the WPC closed the cog porthole, she noticed Tosh rummaging through Owen's medicine cupboard. "Wasn't that supposed to be locked?" The police officer sat on the ledge of the viewing balcony.

"You know Owen with keys. Remember when we almost died trying to get the SUV back from a load of cannibals?" The scientist gulped the tablets down with a pained look. "This medicine should've worked immediately." The pained woman heaved herself onto the cold metal autopsy bench.

"I recommend you go home if it's that bad." Owen pulled off his jacket and placed it at his computer bench and replaced it with his long white lab coat.

Appearing from nowhere, Ianto brought over a steamy lemon drink. "Alien lemon drink. Completely compatible with high strength, well, anything. Even rat poison. That'd kill you anyway. It's the arsenic, always the arsenic."

"I think i'll drink this and go home." She forced a smile as she took the mug. She finished it in what seemed like seconds.. She jumped of the bench, "See you tomorrow." Dr Sato grabbed her hand bag and walked off.

Jack emerged from behind the water tower, "Owen the weevils are getting hungry. Ianto same for the pterodactyl. Gwen, the rift predictor is wired up, could you try check it out?"

"I don't know a thing about computer programming." There was a snigger coming from The two men's direction.

Ianto put his hand up, "Trade." Like he wasn't expecting an answer, he started towards the morgue following Dr Harper, whom was already putting the codes in.

Gwen trudged off in the opposite direction, down to the basements. "He said basement C." She mumbled to herself. It started getting darker the further down she got. Eventually she had to pull her torch out. She could hear a faint whirring from a room not to far from her.

She peered through a window in the large metal door. It was so heavy she had to use all her weight to get it open. It slammed shut as soon as she was in. Slumping herself down on the chair, she noticed something on the screen.

"Definitely an ICU of some sort. I can't really specify why it's on here." Owen had his arms crossed as he stared at the screen. "I have no idea of who this belongs to. If Tosh was here she'd would do all the science side of this. I was trained in biology."

"Wait! You just given me a possible candidate of who it belongs to!" Jack yawned. "Toshiko has a pounding headache after working on the predictor and it ends up having someone's
neuro-patterns on."

Gwen gave him a look, "Just a coincidence." She stood up and headed to the door. "I'm going home now, keep me posted."