Torchwood- Forever

Chapter Seven

"Jack can you hear me?" Dr Harper was calling Jack on the com. Owen placed the unconscious scientist over the back seats of the SUV and slammed the door.

"He won't pick up. He's gone to chase a Weevil in Butetown." Gwen was in the passenger seat dialing her home phone hoping Rhys was in.

"Neither will your boyfriend." Owen slid into the driver's seat, slammed the door and sped off.

"Oh? Why's that then?" Gwen was getting slightly frustrated. She wanted to punch him, but as he was the driver she chose not to.

"He called the hub and started swearing like mad at Ianto." There was a groan behind them. Toshiko was slowly waking up. "Hey look, Alice is leaving Wonderland." Owen pulled the car over and helped the pained doctor of science up. "How are you feeling?"

"I don't feel good, if that's what you're asking." Suddenly, Toshiko looked up at Owen.. Then, there was an explosion. A huge one. Tosh was thrown back, and just, disappeared. Gwen was thrown into the traffic and crashed into a windscreen. Owen was thrown, as he was the nearest to whatever exploded, into the other side of the motor way , which was moving rapidly in the panic.

"Gwen? Gwen? Still asleep?" Rhys was sitting by the hospital bed holding the WPC's hand. There were cards on the table in front of her.

"What happened?" Her throat was croaky and dry. She couldn't remember what went on that night. Light? It hurt her, but she couldn't help looking around. It was like she knew she was looking for something, She just didn't know what.

"AHH, sleeping beauty awakes at last." Jack had just appeared from another cubical, making sure he closed the curtain before Gwen could see in. "Is this why you called me? I got a missed call on my com." He pulled up a chair by her. "Or did Owen do that?"

"Stop with the questions! She's in hospital thanks to you lot! What do your lot do to get blown up anyway? She's not SWAT!" Rhys was standing up, fists clenched.

Ianto emerged from the cubical just as Jack did, but wasn't quick enough. Just one glimpse was enough for Gwen to know who it was.. Owen. He must've been in the accident.

"What happened to Owen and I?" Her welsh accent was more audible now.

"You and Owen were in an explosion. You landed in a car windscreen, and Owen landed in a very busy fast lane." Jack stated with no hesitation.

"Well so much for keeping that a secret.." Rhys placed a hand on Gwen's shoulder. "We decided it was best for you if didn't know." Shocked, PC Cooper nodded over enthusiastically, her eyes wide.

"Since when have you started choosing what's best for me? That guy over there is a friend of mine. I was in an accident with him. Don't you think I have rights to know that?" She had almost never felt so angry. Almost,.

"What were you doing together anyway?" The worst question to ask. She didn't know. That was the worst part. Rhys would suspect her of something if she said so.

"I'm sure there was someone else. I don't know who though." She quickly changed the subject.