Torchwood- Forever

Chapter Eight

A doctor walked over to Jack. "Dr Harper will be O.K, but we're going to monitor him. He's been hit by several cars, he's very lucky to still be alive." The man walked off.

"You didn't tell him what our job is did you?" Gwen, then, noticed she had a neck brace on.

"If they ask for his occupation, I simply say that he's a doctor." Jack smiled at her. No one noticed Ianto had gone and got three coffees. He passed one to Jack and Rhys. He kept the other one for himself.

He then trudged off into Owen's cubical. He left it instantly. "Owen's awake." just then, Jack disappeared behind the curtain.

Gwen tried to heave herself off the bed, but Rhys stopped her. "What dose retcon mean? More importantly, what dose it do?"

Gwen's heart sank. He remembered. He remembered her retconning him when she admitted what she had done. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You mentioned a man named Owen from work once. That same day I was retconned. Why? What did you tell me?" Rhys was starting to remember.

"I retconned you making you loose all memory of that day.. I'm sorry." The WPC's eye's welled up.

Rhys stood up. "Least I know where I stand. I'll get my things. I'm sure Dave will let me stay over his until I get a place of my own." He walked off. PC Cooper tried to stand, but it pained her.

"What is wrong with you!!! Stupid leg!!" Her, now ex-boyfriend, turned a busy corner and disappeared. Normally, she would hold in her tears, but she couldn't . It must've been the fact she'd hold in the tears to cry into Rhys' shoulder. But now without Him it felt like she had no one.

Ianto appeared from behind the curtain of the other cubical. "Are you OK?" He supported the crying police officer so she could stand. He lead her to a wheel chair. "Jack might need some help ." He disappeared again. Only to emerge helping Jack Support Owen to his own wheel chair.

Jack grabbed the handles of Gwen's wheel chair and steered her off, out of the hospital doors to the black SUV. Ianto was following them with Owen.

"WAIT!! You can't take the patients! I'm calling the police." A guard was running up to them, panting.

"Torchwood. So you can leave off." Jack sighed. "Amateurs." He helped Gwen into the car, Ianto copied. Both men got in the front. Jack drivers seat, Ianto passenger.