Torchwood- Forever

Chapter Nine

"Don't you think Owen's better off in a ward?" Gwen was seriously considering, even if it put her through hell, taking him back.

"There's a friend of mine, I'll call her and try get her to help. Torchwood's the best place for him. This could be a personal attack on both of you." Jack's face wasn't the joyful one she knew.

"So someone who doesn't like Gwen and Owen in the same place then." Ianto looked concerned. He knew how to make coffee and play about with the technology. He just didn't know what to do in a situation as dire as the present one.

Owen lifted his head, he groaned as it pained him. He gave up.. "I need a neck brace." He made all three other people jump in their seats. His voice was dry and croaky. Definitely more than Gwen's was.

"Still a doctor even when in pain?" Jack glimpsed back, then carried on watching the road.

As they got to the hub, they noticed something different. Everyone was thinking the same thing, it's just the city lighting. As there was a red glow swirling around, spreading across the city.

"Are we just gonna ignore that?" Dr Harper seemed concerned. Gwen and he were being placed in wheelchairs, no matter how much he didn't want to be picked up like a defenseless rag doll.

Ianto over powered him in an unfair struggle. "The doctor said you are as good as paralyzed." Owen laughed.

"What do doctors know?" The two injured Torchwood employees were wheeled into the hub with great difficulty.

"This is really hard for you guys. I told you that you should've left us at the hospital. Mainly for Owen's benefit." PC Cooper struggled to stand, but using the rails to balance, succeeded.

"Hospitals? Yeah right Gwen. I don't trust them. They ask too many questions." Owen was helped onto the sofa and passed his medical box. The one that wasn't in the explosion.

Jack was on the phone that was in his office. "Hi, this is Torchwood. Yes, Captain Harkness. For Martha Jones, UNIT. Sure I'll hold." It was odd, Ianto entered the room but he couldn't hear anyone on the other end. For safety purposes he usually would. Then he thought again, no, wrong phone.