Remember to Forget Why You Came

Chapter 1

“Mom, would you calm the fuck down?”

“I’m sorry honey. I just haven’t catered anything this big before.”

“Well I understand that, but I actually like these bands, so, you going all crazy super fan mom on me isn’t cool.” I joked.

“Oh, you know you love me.”

“See, you’re calming down. Just keep doing what you’re doing, and I will get the rest of the stuff out of the van.”

“Okay.” Mom said, wiping sweat off of her forehead.

“And make sure you wash your hands.”

She was laughing as I walked away. My mom and I had just came over to the states. We had also just started the catering company that we had been talking about for years. It was a lot of fun…except for when mom was freaking out. In Wales, I didn’t have that many friends to speak of, and my dad left when I was one, so my mom was kind of all I had. We were doing the catering for the whole Taste Of Chaos tour. I don’t really know how it came about, but it did. My mom said it was because she prayed every night and day for a good job to come by…I just think it was the fact that they didn’t have one, and someone told the right person about us. Call me a pessimist if you like, that’s just my view on the matter. However, I am really excited. The last job we had was for a preppy bitch at our school’s SUPER UBER SWEET SIXTEEN! Gag me. In the course of that one night, I was tripped while carrying cheese puffs, humiliated when someone decided that projectile vomiting was the latest craze, and completely broken down when the night came to an end and her parents decided that, due to all of-get this-OUR accidents, we didn’t deserve to be paid. When my mom got the nerve to talk to them about it, they told us to pack up and go back to where ever we came from. Suffice to say, I wasn’t that excited to do a. whole tour. I didn’t really want people from however many states to tell us the same. I guess I am a tad pessimistic, but in my opinion, the view is warranted.
Tonight was the first night of the tour. We were supposed to walk around before the show and ask the people outside if there was something small that they would like while they waited. While that might seem like servant work, it was my idea. I wanted to make sure that the founders of the tour didn’t have a reason to keep from paying us. I didn’t want to traipse around the entire U.S. for nothing. As I walked in the back with all the supplies for later in the show, I took a quick peek at the line. It was completely wrapped around the building…and then some. I’m not lying when I say this line went on for miles. I laughed to myself. I remember the first concert I ever went to. It was for My Chem, and, when my mom dropped me off, she took one look at the people in the line and said she was worried about me. I told her not to judge people based on what they look like. She sat outside, waiting for me to come out, and when I got in the car, she told me that, while they looked like a bunch of trouble makers, they didn’t seem to act like it. Since that day, she hasn’t judged a single soul without talking to them first. I give credit for that one to myself, thank you.
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I will get a picture of the main character up as soon as I can. I have this story in Word, so I should be able to update this one faster than the rest, because I have those written out in notebooks. Comments, as always, are appreciated.

