Remember to Forget Why You Came

Chapter 3

“Alright, well, they are some hungry people.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I only made it three steps past the door, and all of the food was gone.” I laughed as she fell tiredly into the chair in the corner.

“Do you want me to take more food out there?”

“No, you just make your boyfriends some pizza. I’ll take more.” I just stood with my mouth open, not believing that she had just said that.

“Yeah, you heard me.” I closed my mouth and silently went back to work. She just laughed.

When the pizza was done, I took it out and cut it. I had to focus and remind myself to breath. Yeah, sue me if I was a fan. I had met them before, but that was just for a minute, and it was the first time that they had come over to Europe. Now, I was making them food. That was the way to most men’s hearts. Now, I’m not one for fantasies, so I know that nothing will happen, it’s just, I don’t want them turning the other way for the rest of the tour. As I made my way to the door, my mom winked at me. I adjusted my uniform, picked up the pizza, and embarked on the journey that was to the end of the hall. When I got to their door, I had calmed down quite a bit. I had everything under control…until Jared opened the door. I was kind of speechless… and intimidated by his height to tell you the honest truth.

“Pizza!” Matt yelled. That snapped me out of my stupor. I laughed.

“Do you do that every time someone brings you pizza?” I questioned, stepping into the room.

“More or less.” He laughed, taking his football gear off. Yeah, I have no idea. All of a sudden, a little toy football came flying out of no where. Thank God my reflexes are good, or else I’d have a black eye, and there’d be pizza everywhere.

“Nice duck man!” Matt said, giving me a high five…obviously with the hand that wasn’t holding the pizza.

“God Eric, watch where you’re throwing that thing.” Jared yelled.

“Well, I would have if Aiden wouldn’t have blindfolded me. Did I hit something?” Eric asked, removing his bandana.

“No.” Jared answered softly.

“And you’re lucky too! I would have killed you if you would have killed the pizza.” Everyone went quiet as the sound of squeaky metal filled the room. We all turned to see Mike riding a little toddler trike around the corner.

“Did I hear someone say something about pizza?” I busted out laughing at the sight of him. He was in full football gear…down to the helmet. By the time I caught my breath, I realized that I had better go.
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yay! Chapter Three already! Thanks to TakingBackStephanie who already commented. More Updates are coming.

Comments=Love=Update...see, I prove this actually works. Keep 'em coming.
