Dark And Light

Mia's Week

Mia let herself into her house and breathed a sigh of relief. She was back, she was so glad but it was only for one week and boy, was she going to make the most of it.

She was going to Jed’s that evening for dinner, he was cooking for her and she couldn’t wait. She couldn’t wait because she couldn’t get him out of her mind. She was desperate to call up Judy and tell her, tell her that she’d met someone, someone who she’d known for years and had fallen for him.

She didn’t want to leave him, not ever but how was it going to work out? He hated her really and always had but then thinking back she’d never been that nice to him, she always thought she had nothing in common with him, well she hadn’t back then but they’d grown up since, grown up and grown closer.

She felt scared because she loved Jed and before she left next week she was determined to tell him.


“Jed that was fantastic,” Mia said to him. “I’m so full up.” She said.

“Well, not too full up to enjoy your favourite ice cream, strawberry isn’t it?” He said.

”Yes, strawberry.” She said. Always had been her favourite ice cream, right when she was a child, probably because it was pink. “I suppose I could fit just a small amount in,” she said smiling at him.

They’d had a great chat over dinner about all sorts of things, some local bands that Jed had been following and writing about and the fact that he’d like to take her to see them the next night, just to get her opinion on them.

Realisation dawned once more, the fact that the only thing they didn’t agree on was music so once more she’d have to pretend to like something, she was sure she could pull it off.


While washing up, the atmosphere went quiet, an easy quiet though, not an awkward silence as Mia put some dishes away in the cupboard. She couldn’t reach up to the top shelf so Jed came over to help, he took the bowls from her and reached up and she couldn’t help but take a glance at his strong arms as he closed the cupboard door and without any hesitation she just turned to him.

“Kiss me,” she said looking into his eyes.

“What?” said Jed looking at her, a slight frown appearing on his face.

“Kiss…,” but then she stopped, the beers she’d had with her meal had gone to her head and everything came back into focus.

Feeling hot and flustered and noting the look on Jed’s face, Mia turned tail and left the kitchen, ran out of the house and into her own house where she stopped, leant her back against the front door and dropped her head.

Shit. What had she done? She couldn’t help it but now, that was it. Why would Jed have wanted to kiss her? Of course he hadn’t wanted to, he thought she was Maddy after all, his best friend who had just come on to him.

It was over.

She started walking away from the door when she heard a small knock. She turned and knew straight away that it was him. She didn’t want to answer the door as she felt ashamed and explanations would have to be made and she couldn’t really be bothered at this moment.

“Please… let me in,” said his voice. “Its OK.”

But she didn’t answer because as soon as she answered the door everything would return back to normal and she’d have to tell him that she was Mia after all. She just hoped that he wouldn’t hate Maddy for doing this to him either.

“I shall stay here all night if you don’t let me in,” said Jed.

Then she felt awful because it was blowing a gale and she could hear the wind whipping around outside so she had to let him in, there was no way that she could let him stay out there much longer, whatever the consequences.

She turned the handle and opened the door but couldn’t look at him, just looked down at his feet.

“Well let me in then,” he said as he pushed gently through the door, passing her.

You could have cut the atmosphere with a knife, they didn’t know what to say to each other and she hated it, they’d talked so much over the time that she’d been there and even the silences they had were comfortable.

She closed the door and turned to him, knowing she’d have to face him and tell him. Lets just get it over with she thought then I can pack and get the hell out of here.

His hair was damp so it must have been raining and she realised how good-looking he was as he came towards her and put his hand out to touch her cheek.

“Is this what you wanted?” he said as he bent towards her, his mouth pressing gently against hers as she let herself be kissed by him. Yes it had been what she wanted she thought as her stomached tingled, kissing him back.

Pulling away he took her hand and led her through to the Living Room where he turned on the fire, and they knelt together warming their hands. She didn’t know how she felt, his kiss had been fantastic but was that all it was going to be?


Of course it wasn’t all it was going to be thought Mia on the way to meet Maddy a week later. Sitting on the train watching the world flash by, going to meet her sister she felt anxious. She was extremely happy that she was going to meet Maddy again and knew that they’d never lose touch, ever but all she could think of was Jed who was sitting next to her now, his strong, firm arm brushing up against hers. He’d insisted on coming and how could she have refused? This gorgeous guy sitting alongside her who had shared her bed for a week and had first made love to her in front of the fire and had told her on a daily basis since then that he loved her.

She loved him back, more than anyone she’d ever known but how would he react when they ended up in the café and he found out that she’d lied to him all along?