Dark And Light

The Morning After The Night Before

Maddy woke up in her bed. Well not her bed, Mia’s bed and thought back to the previous night’s events. She’d declined Mike’s offer having pretended a headache and he’d put her in a taxi and sent her off home.

Now she kind of regretted it. In the cold light of day she wished she’d gone with him, back to his hotel for… well, whatever it was that he’d asked her back for. Now that was it, she’d blown it and would probably never hear from him again. He’d be on the move soon anyway, touring a different part of the country with his friends, having fun. Why would he think about me?


Mia woke up in her old bed. It was so comfortable, not like her brand new mattress in her apartment in London; she always woke up with an ache on that thing. But this one, this old cosy one was just right she thought, snuggling back down into the duvet briefly thinking of Mike Dirnt and how she would react when she met him.


Stepping out of the shower Maddy caught the tail end of her phone ringing and went to it, towel wrapped around her, another towel balancing on her head, she was dripping all over Mia’s luxurious carpet.

Missed Call : Mike Dirnt.

Maddy’s stomach danced excitedly. Oh my god, what did he want? He couldn’t be that interested in me could he? Perhaps I’d left something at the bar. There was no way that he could be that interested. Should I call him back? May be I’ll call later; it looks a bit desperate if I call back now.

She got herself dressed and rummaged through Mia’s clothes for something to wear. In actual fact Mia’s clothes weren’t as bad as she’d always thought they’d be. There were a couple of cocktail dresses in black and a navy blue one, a few pairs of shoes that looked so high they could act as scaffolding. Some of her tee-shirts were pretty cool, she had a couple of band t shirts but knowing Mia she didn’t wear them because she knew the band, she wore them because everyone else was wearing them.

There was a black t-shirt, quite close fitting that looked quite nice and a pair of jeans that she’d found that looked pretty cool.

Then Maddy decided she needed a hairdryer to dry off her thick hair but didn’t have a clue as to the first place to look for one so spent the next 10 minutes searching cupboards.

There it is she thought to herself as she reached into the back of one of Mia’s drawers but as she lifted it out a few photographs fell out at the same time. It looked like some wedding shots.

Glancing at them Maddy recognised the bride. It was Mia and the groom was very good looking, they must have been some publicity shots for something or other, some commercial that she’d done and kept them. She did look beautiful dressed as a bride Maddy thought glancing at the gown that Mia was wearing.

She looked over at the bridesmaid who was wearing a very pale pink dress and thought she recognised her as Judy but then she hadn’t seen Judy for years so it couldn’t have been her. Now why would Judy be in those? Thought Mia to herself. That’s because it probably isn’t her at all she then thought, shaking her head and putting the photographs back. She closed the drawer up and went and dried her hair.

She’d decided. When her hair was dry she was going to call him.

Mike Dirnt.

What could he want this time?


Mia stretched out lazily in bed. She glanced at the clock and it said it was almost mid-day. She couldn’t believe that she’d gone back to sleep. Admittedly she was tired after working on that website for that guy. Some building firm it was, and it had seemed boring at first but then she’d really enjoyed it and had forgotten all sense of time as she’d worked on it. She’d finished it though and he was due round today at 1pm to check it out.

I’d better get up then thought Mia feeling proud of the website that she had created. She hoped she’d done it justice.


“Mike?” said Maddy into the phone.

“Yes, hi, its Mia isn’t it?” No. It’s Maddy.

“Yes it is,” she said to him. What the hell was she doing calling him up anyway?

“Listen, I didn’t want you to get the wrong impression of me, I had the feeling I’d frightened you off a little so I’m just wondering if you’re free for lunch today, may be we could perhaps… may be afterwards you can show me the sights,” he said.

She couldn’t resist.

“Of course.”

“How about I get a taxi over to your place, then you can jump in and the taxi driver can take us to this brilliant Italian restaurant that’s not far from here.”

“Oh Mike, there’s no need for you to come out of your way, let me meet you at the restaurant, give me the name of it and I’ll see you there.” She checked her watch. 12.30pm. “Shall we say in an hour?”

“That would be great, are you sure? I can come and get you,” said Mike eagerly.

“Mike its fine. I’ll see you at one, what’s the name of the restaurant?”

“It’s Antonio’s.” Said Mike. Mia thought he sounded a little nervous.

“Right. Antonio’s at one it is, looking forward to seeing you,” she said.

Then he was gone and she could have thrown up, how come when she spoke to him she was so calm and collected yet when she wasn’t she was a jibbering wreck. Surely it should be the other way around?

She didn’t know what to wear so decided that she’d just wear what she had on. She couldn’t be bothered to search Mia’s wardrobe one more time. He’d have to take her as she was.

Jeans and T-shirt.


Jeans and t-shirt, bare feet without nail varnish and no make up. What joy thought Mia as she crept downstairs at 12.45pm to wait for her client to show up. She’d even taken her false nails off the evening before as she’d found it hard to use the keyboard but she didn’t care, all she was thinking of at that moment was the wonderful website that she had created.

Who’d have thought it? Mia excited over a website.

The doorbell went then and Mia hurried off to open it but she got the shock of her life because it wasn’t her building company client at all.

It was Jed, Maddy’s best friend in the entire world.