I'd Kill Myself for You

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

~Kylie’s POV~

He opened the large door. Inside it opened into a large foyer there was a large grand stair case that half way up split. Above it was a gothic iron chandelier. The floor was marble and the walls had a dark purple color to them. I heard footsteps coming from upstairs. “Alexander is that you?” a voice sounding almost like sweet bells said. “Yes” he yelled up to the voice. The steps became louder and soon I began to see the bottom of an elegant dress as the dress became larger I grew scared. What if she didn’t like me? What was going to happen now? When the women I could only assume to be his mother fully appeared she was stunning. She was very tall her dress was a dark brown and fit perfectly to her curves. Her dress matched her eyes and her hair was pulled back showing off the pale skin of her body and high cheek bones.

“Hello Kylie, it is great to finally meet you.” She said moving towards us with an outstretched hand. I would have gone to shake it but Alexander wouldn’t let go of my hand. “Oh okay.” She said pulling her hand back. “I understand Alexander, she’s special, and does she know?”
“Somewhat, I was about to bring her upstairs and let her sleep.” He said never letting me go only pulling me closer. “Your room is just the way you left it” she said moving away from the stairs, but never getting closer or farther away. “It was nice to meet you Kylie; I’ll see you in the morning.”

As we walked up the stairs I looked at his face, he seemed to be troubled but I said nothing about it. He led to the end of the hall “this was my room.” He said as he opened the door. Inside the walls were a dark green and the floor was a dark, dark stain. In the center of the room there was a large circular bed. It didn’t have a head board or posts it just was round and looked very comfortable. “Here” he said picking me up and bringing me over to the bed. He placed me down in the center; he turned and headed towards the door. He smiled and came back over “I would never think of leaving you.” He said taking my hand and kissing it he placed it in between us. I knew I was tired but I didn’t want to go to sleep, not now. “It’s okay sleep.” He said as if he had read my mind and so I did.

I woke up to a wall, I almost jumped up to look for Alexander but as soon as I thought of that I felt his figures run up and down my side. I felt my heart flutter. When he stopped and few minutes later he laid his arm down over me and pressed himself up against my back. I thought popped in my head and I quickly turned around grabbed him by both sides of his face and kissed him taking him by surprised. After realization of had happened clicked in his head he kissed back. His hands found my hips and he pulled me closer. He pulled away and smiled “come let’s get you something to eat.” Just as he said that my tummy growled. ‘Haha’ he took my head and pulled me out of bed.

We entered the kitchen; he pulled out my chain and pushed it back in. “What would

you like to eat, we have anything and everything” he said gesturing to the cabinets. I

thought for what must have been forever to him. “Do you have a huge banana-nut

muffins?” I said finally said. “Yuppers.” He said striding gracefully over to bread cabinet

and pulling out, what else, but a huge banana-nut muffin. It was bigger than I thought it

was going to be. He placed it down in front of me and sat down across from me. “Um

aren’t you going to eat anything?”

“No I don’t need to eat.”


After I had finished most of my muffin he brought me back upstairs. “I’ll let you get

showered and changed.” He said pulling my up against him.


“The bathroom is the first door on the left. I’ll leave your clothes in the room you, we

slept in last night which is the last room down the hall, and I’ll be downstairs if you need

anything. Okay?”

“I’ll be fine” I reached up and kissed him than turned into the room and closed the door

behind me. The room was the size of his but the bed was your average four post and up

against the wall. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the light. The room was the

size of your average bathroom and the walls were bright white there was a large sunk in

tube and the shower looked huge. It had a rock wall finish and the water came out like a

waterfall. It was very wonderful. I stepped out of my clothes and into the shower. The

warm water felt so good on my sink. As I washed myself I thought about my dad and

wondered if he had already thrown out all of my stuff and found himself some whore to

abuse. I would miss the house because it was where my whole life was, but I knew that

I wouldn’t miss my father.

I turned the water off and stepped out. I found some towels and dried off. I took a robe

that was hanging off the back of the door. I dried my hair and placed the towels in the

hamper that was next to the vanity. I opened the door and grabbed my clothes. I

stepped out into the hall; I walked down the hall and opened the last down. “Oh My God

I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to intruded.” And closed the door I can’t believe I opened the

wrong door. I shook my head and headed towards the other end of the hall. I opened

the last door and breathed a sigh of relief and stepped in. on the bed there was a pair of

folded clothes. I placed my dirty clothes on the floor and went to pick up the first article

of clothing but saw a note that I didn’t see before. It read:

‘I do hope that these fit you and when your finished getting ready I’ll be in the sitting

room. It’s the room off to the right by the front door.

Love Alexander

I felt my heart flutter again, he loves me hehe. I placed the note down and picked up
what I thought to be a shirt.

It wasn’t a shirt, it was a dress that had a corset type front and the laces went half

way down the dress. It was black and the center of the corset had a decorative red lace

pattern. And under the dress there was a dark blue bra and lace-ish underwear. I

blushed and picked them up. God I hope that there the right size. I stepped out of the

robe and put on the underwear and the dress. They actually fit. I felt something cold on

my thigh; pulled the bottom of the dress up and found a zipper. I unzipped it and half the

skirt of the dress fell off making the dress much shorter.

I found a mirror and looked at the dress short and long. I liked it better long it made

me feel less sluttish. I left my cloths on the floor and walked into the hall. I soon found

myself in the front hall and them the sitting room. And there he was sitting in a comfy

chair. As soon as I stepped towards him he looked up and walked over to me. “do you

like the dress?”

“I love it, thank you.” I said leaning up on my tippy toes and kissing him.
♠ ♠ ♠
please comment!
sorry it took me so long to update
a twist is coming up