I'd Kill Myself for You

Chapter 5

Kylie’s POV

I awoke to a musty smell, and I could not see any of my surroundings. I tried to get up only to find my arms bound and feet tied. I could feel the cold damp stone of a wall on my back. I moved my tied feet around in front of me. I hit what sounded like a desk or table and a few other things I couldn’t make out. I heard a small scratching noise come from the other side of the room. Okay I’m scared out of my mind now. I have no clue how I got here and that noise isn’t making anything better. Just as the noise stopped a door opened letting in a very blinding burst of light.

“So how do you like it here my sweet?” A voice said. I couldn’t tell where the voice was coming from but it sounded close to me and I was still slightly blinded. “Who are you?” I said looking around the room now that I had my sight back. “Oh you don’t remember me?” And there in front of me stood a boy with white hair with black tips. I recognized the boy, he was the boy that attacked me that night.

“What do you want with me?” I said trying to move away from him.
“Oh I think you know what I want to do with you?” he said leaning down in front of me. “Get away from me!” I said trying to push him away but he was stronger than me and he didn’t move he only smirked at my discomfort. He got up and walked over to the table. He picked up a syringe it was empty from what it looked like.

He bent down again and leaned towards me. “What….no; no” I screamed as he stuck the syringe in my arm. He pulled the syringe away and put it up to the light. I could see red liquid on the inside of the syringe. “What are you going to do with that?” I said my voice quivering. “Oh I have a lot in store for you.” He said laugh as he walked out of the room.

Alexander’s POV

I was just talking with her not even a second ago. God I was just starting to get to know her better. Why “uhhh” I was also starting to like her. She just made me I don’t know it was like I got this awesome feeling when I was around her. I put out the fire I put out the fire and made my way around the graveyard. I had to find her before whatever or whoever took her did something to her.

I headed towards the front of the graveyard. I was about in the center when I first smelt it. It was so sweet and it was familiar. Why did I know this smell? I looked around on the ground and on the tombstones. That’s when I found it three small red drops of blood. And worse than that it was her blood which is why I knew that she was close. I looked around looking for more blood and I found it. There was a trail leading towards the far back of the graveyard where the older graves and mausoleums.

The trail of blood stopped at one of the oldest looking mausoleums. I open the door and found…..
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i loves you alls