Purple Pirates

Chapter 2

“SEAN! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU CALL THIS?” The shout echoed throughout the whole lower deck, bouncing from one wooden wall to the next, hitting furniture but never being muted until it reached the one in question.
“FOOD! YOU KNOW THE STUFF YOU EAT!” Came the reply from the kitchen, the residence that Sean had ended up stuck in. Well he didn’t want any hard manual labour and he wasn’t trusted to be up in the nest looking out for land.

A pile of what James really couldn’t identify lay in front of him, covering the cracks in the plate from a distinctly rocky sea earlier in the day. Something that Matt happened to be cleaning up at the moment. The only thing that the captain could actually see among all the slop was skin or a more accurate fish scales.

Turning his head away from the gloop that Sean had well... Unsuccessfully managed to produce, he picked the plate up and headed up onto top deck, a bright sun shining down on Rhys and Gavin who happened to be lounging on the slightly damp deck.
“What you doing?” Came the voice of Gavin, the one who had been trusted to be in the nest and look out for land and other ships.
“Getting rid of the evidence.” Was all he replied, as he attempted to tip the contents of the plate over the edge of the ship. Without much success. “It’s like glue! Ah well.” There was always a solution and this one was simply to toss the plate overboard with the gluey substance still attached.
“That’s gonna be dead fishes for a month.” Piped up Rhys, he’d been unlucky and walked in on Smithy actually cooking the meal or cremating it.

“WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!” An excited scream entered the air, before a wave of water collapsed over Rhys, Gavin and James.
A squeal entered the atmosphere from Rhys, whilst the other two males growled in disapproval; eyes searching the area for the culprit. Each one was dripping from head to toe in soapy, brownish water; it even clung to their eyelashes not one part of them escaped dry.
“I told you not to do that!” Came a timid half yell from the cabin boy, who had been clearing up Sean’s mess of a kitchen, the water colouring having come from the floor, which happened to be filthy.
“Yeah! But if I listened to you all the time, it’d be boring.” The culprit. Sean Smith.
“This time you over stepped the line! Punishment is the only way.” Growled an extremely pissed off captain, his eyes darting around before landing on some rope.
“SNOZ! Grab him!”
From out of nowhere, Snoz took Sean’s wrists in his hands and pinned them behind his back, a slight smirk on his face as Matt, Rhys and Gavin lugged the extremely heavy rope towards them.

What seemed like hours of struggling, screaming, yelling, shouting and biting later, as well as some pretty nasty crunches, Sean happened to be tied up in the rope, being carried above the heads of everyone but James.
“Suspend him over the edge; I want him to know how it feels to sleep with the fishes.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah that was a bit weird.
It'll be the last one until either the 7th, 8th or 9th of July. I ish going on holiday on Sunday. = ]
Comments are appreciated.
