Purple Pirates

Chapter 3

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I’ll be good I promise.” He’d been reduced to begging at this point, there was no way that Sean Smith wanted to end up in that water. No way at all.
“Just let him go boys... 3...2...1... BOMBS AWAY!”

A blur of purple, brown and blonde plummeted through the air, the call of that crystal clear water coming ever nearer, until a loud SPLASH was heard, a plume of water rising up. A sinking feeling in the pit of Rhys stomach.
“Erm... wasn’t that rope heavy? Isn’t he going to drown.”
“AHHHHHHH FUCK! SEAN! SEAN! SWIM!” The screams came from all five other crew members, but the poor blonde boy couldn’t hear anything but the gurgle of water that seemed to be getting quieter by the second.
With a group of girlish screams, the entire crew seemed to run in circles having absolutely no idea what to do about their now drowning friend, the person they had just about murdered.
“I’m going in.” Came the brave voice of Snoz shining out above the panic that had taken over the already novice pirate crew.

A second splash came from the water, a larger one this time, the water rising up so much higher, followed by a mini wave as he kicked down to try and rescue the blonde boy. The blonde boy who surprisingly wasn’t sinking too fast, but was heavily unconscious by this point.

“I’m a REAL pirate, I just threw someone overboard, all I need now is a walking the plank.” Even in the current situation James seemed to find some kind of joy in it all, doing an extremely happy jig, as though he had been drinking far too much rum.
“You idiot, you threw Sean overboard, no matter how much better this ship would survive without him, it just won’t be the same without his happy, bouncy, bubbly, blondeness.”
“HELP!” A choked scream/yell came from below, a good two or so minutes since they’d last heard from Snoz. “Too heavy, gonna drop him or drown.” His voice was getting even more strangled by the second, a gurgling coming from below as bubbles rose to the surface.
“Throw in that lifeguard thing!” Was the command of Gavin, himself taking charge of the action he’d just commanded.

With a whole lot of huffing, puffing, pulling and slipping later two soaked to the bone males were pulled overboard. One exhausted, with a looking of passing out and second and the other who was indeed at least unconscious.
“Is anyone on this ship a doctor?”
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It's mainly just a quick update, I promised I would update and then my time got swamped so it had to be quick.
But I really either have to finish my Geog project, English coursework, revise for mock german gcse, learn german vocab or pack.(again)
Next week I'm guessing is the next update 15th onwards.
