It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A ***ing Deathwish

The damage you've inflicted...

"Fucking emo freak!"
Dani winced as a chip hit her forehead. She calmly peeled the chip off her face and placed it on the plate beside her.
The chip sized missile missed her face this time, and landed on her shoulder. Once again, she peeled off the ketchup covered snack and placed it on the plate beside her.
It was just another day in the lunch hall for Dani. Cameron and her bitch crew from hell sat at the other end of the hall, but still managed to taunt Dani, even at a distance. It was like this every day. And since Cameron had every girl in Shellbrook High hanging off her every word, and every boy in Shellbrook High drooling after her, it was going to be like this for a lot longer.
'How cliched...' Dani thought to herself. She tried her best to ignore the chips flying in her direction, and concentrated on her unappetizing tuna wrap. It tasted like fish wrapped in cardboard. She swallowed reluctantly, gathered her books and bags, and attempted to leave the lunch hall amid outstreched legs that were willing her to trip and fall. Walking out of the lunch hall and into the corridor, her mobile phone beeped.
'Not coming in 2day, feelin ill. Sory this is so l8.' The message read.
Jake. At least an explanation, finally. She really needed him today...actually, she needed him all the time. Her best friend. The only one who understood her. The only one who kept her sane in this living hell they called secondary school. Dani and Jake, the 'emo freaks', stuck together like soldiers in a battlefield, dodging the constant insults and abuse hurled at them. She smiled as she remebered the first day she had met him. She had been new to the school. He was the weird kid, the boy wearing eyeliner and a band hoodie, sitting at the back of the class, isolated. She was instantly drawn to him. They'd spoken, laughed, shared experiences.
"You think this is hard? Trust me, it gets harder." He had warned her.
She'd laughed it off then, but now the reality of what he'd said really hit her. It was difficult for them, being the only two kids in a school of one thousand who were into rock.
"What kind of world do we live in, when the music you listen to defines you?" She'd asked Jake once.
"An ignorant one." He'd replied. He was right.

Dani's next lessons were English and French, and then she would be free to leave. She'd already made up her mind. She wasn't going to her last two lessons. She was going to Jake's house.