Sequel: Purple Hearts

Cherry Lips And Tattoos

Green Pubes!

Two days later... at the mall...

"Fucking hell Hannah, how can anyone walk in shoes like this?" I said trying on about the 8th pair of shoes. "It's like walking on stilts."

Hannah started laughing.

"Do I look stupid?" I said. "Why do I have to wear these shitty stiletto things? Can't I just wear my trainers?"

"I somehow don't think trainers will be good enough for the Grammys," said Hannah.

"Why don't we leave the shoes until we've found you a dress." She suddenly said

"I hate that word," I said kicking off the strappy shoe things.

"What word?"

"Fucking DRESS. I don't think I've owned a dress since I was about eight. Oh tell I lie, I wore a bridesmaid dress to Mum and Dad's wedding when I was 13. That was different. I didn't mind that"

"Come on lets have a look around, there must be something you can wear?" said Hannah. "Lets try some of those exclusive boutiques."

The boutiques were so exclusive I think the women serving thought we were in there for a joke. We probably weren't dressed like their regular shoppers but fuck them. We had money to spend and if they wanted our custom then they'd have to help us out. The first shop we went in was full of pastel coloured type clothes. Suits like a Gran would probably wear to a wedding. Fucking gross. Old lady clothes. It smelt like old lady in there too I thought.

"Lets get out of here" I said looking over at the snooty woman who looked like she might call the police at any minute. We ran out of the shop laughing and pointing at some of the clothes.

"Now where?" I asked walking along with Hannah giggling and laughing.

"Lets try this one over here," she said. There were a lot of black, red and silver coloured outfits in the window. The mannequins were a bit funkier and wore stripy tights. A little bit more my style.

The girl in the shop was very helpful. She wasn't much older than us; possibly about 22 and she had jet-black straight hair. She had on a black t-shirt with the name of the shop in silver across the front and black smart trousers. She had on converse boots. This was definitely more my type of shop.

I think she actually recognised me as she asked if I was going to the Grammys.

She bought out some outfits. I could see the colours as she laid them out. Red dress, two black dresses, a white one, no way - white? Then this dark silvery grey coloured one.

I refused the white one immediately and went for a black halter neck dress. It was quite OK but then the girl said that everyone wore black so why not try something different. The red. I hated it. The shape was wrong but both the girl and Hannah thought so too. That left the grey/silver dress. Not really silver, darker than silver, hard to explain. The material was gorgeous like satiny and felt so comfortable when I put it on. The top was like a basque and made my bust larger, which I thought was a bonus. From the waist down the skirt was straight and just went slightly out at the bottom. It felt so comfortable on and I loved the colour. I actually felt quite sexy in it. I couldn't believe that I liked a dress.

"Does it look too revealing?" I asked Hannah.

"Not at all" said Hannah. "Its sexy but not tarty. It's classy Franky. It's definitely the one," she said. "You can really see your figure in that. I didn't know you had a figure," said Hannah.

"Piss off" I said to her.

"You're always hiding behind trousers and T shirts. You look good" she said.

"Yes it suits you "said the girl. "Have you thought about shoes?"

"I hate high heels," I said. She looked at me as though she understood.

Then the girl disappeared and came back with these strappy things that had lots of criss crosses to them and came up the ankle slightly. They had a heel but it wasn't too thin and stiletto like. I tried them on and they felt tons better than the other shoes. I walked about in them. I was still unsteady but I didn't think I was going to find anything more comfortable. I'd still have to practise walking in them though.

"What about a coat or jacket?" I said. "What if it's cold, I can't wear a hoody can I?" They laughed.

"Then you could wear this," said the girl. It was a long piece of material the same as the dress and it had tiny little stars on it dotted here and there. "Wear it like this" and she sort of wrapped it about my arms.

"You look so gorgeous," said Hannah.

"You need your hair up when you wear this dress," said the girl. "My sister is a hairdresser and would know exactly how to do you hair. Her name is Elena. Here's the number if you'd like to give her a call" she said getting out a small card from her pocket.

"Elena" I said reading the card. "I love that name. If I have a little girl she will be called Elena." What was I going on about?

"You need a man first," said Hannah laughing.

"Oh thank you for reminding me" I said.

I wouldn't know really where to start with my hair. Since mum had died I'd just sort of trimmed the ends myself. When I was 14 I'd had it coloured and that was the only time.

I went into the changing rooms and took off the dress. The girl wrapped it up for me and I gave her the cash. "Thank you for all your help" I said. "I really appreciate it."

"That's OK Miss Wright. Any time. It was nice meeting you and have a wonderful time at the Grammy's. I shall look out for you on the TV."

She did know me after all. We laughed together and I left the shop.

"Franky did you see Joey earlier." Said Hannah.

"What? Joey Armstrong? When?"

"Just now. When you were trying on the dress I could see him looking through the window. I saw his reflection in the mirror." She said.

"No way. Stop it." I said

"Yep it was definitely him. He stood there for about five minutes just looking in. Do you think he followed us?"

"Stop it. No it's just a coincidence. That's all. Stop messing. Do you think he's stalking me or something?" I laughed.

"Could be" said Hannah.

"Now you're scaring me," I said. "Anyway you stalked me once and you're harmless"

"Fuck off" she said and we started laughing.

"Sorry. Lets change the subject. He's only a kid anyway but Franky that dress is awesome on you," said Hannah.

"Don't be stupid," I said my mind turned away from Joey. "How can a dress be awesome?"

The next day...

I'd just got out of the shower and I could hear this knocking at the door. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it round myself. Fuck it I could see his outline through the frosted glass in the front door. Billie.

I opened the door and peeked through not letting him see me with just a towel round me.

"Hi" I said. My hair was dripping all over the place.

"Sorry to have disturbed you Titch, is dad not in?"

"No he's gone over to Mike's to check out his new golf clubs" I say.

"Oh." He looked sad. I didn't want him to come in but I asked thinking he'd probably say no. It was only polite to ask.

"Do you want to come in?" I said. Please say no. Please say no.

"OK" he answered. Shit, he wanted to come in after all.

I opened the door feeling very uncomfortable just having the towel wrapped around me.

"I'll just go and get myself dressed. Go on in and get yourself a drink, you know where everything is," I say.

I ran off up the stairs my face burning. I didn't look back. Fuck these feelings for him, when would they end?

I grabbed something quick from the wardrobe and quickly brushed my wet hair through. I had no make up on whatsoever but I didn't care, I just applied my cherry lip-gloss. I'd known Billie Joe all my life and he'd seen me without make up loads of times before. Who cares?

He'd made two coffees and was sitting at the kitchen table looking forlorn.

"You OK Billie?" I asked concerned and going to sit opposite him.

"No not really" he said looking into his coffee. "I'm worried about Adi. She's acting real strange just lately and I can't get to the bottom of it. I think something is bothering her but she's not telling me what. I've asked loads of times but she just says nothing is wrong but there is. I can tell I can read her like a book" he said. He looked like a little boy sitting there.

"Maybe it is nothing and you're just getting yourself all worked up over nothing." I said thinking of Adi and the blonde guy in the photo. I so wanted to mention it but knew I couldn't. It was probably nothing, just a one off, but how could sleeping with someone other than your husband be nothing? Did Billie need to know? It would break his heart.

"No there is definitely something. I think she's going off me Franky. It must be hard for her when I'm not around but I thought she was used to that life. We're apart a lot and then make up for it when we are together. This time we've not seemed to make it up since I got back from the tour. It's different this time. What if she's got someone else?" he looked awful thinking about it.

"Oh Billie don't be so stupid. I think that's just stupid talk," I said reaching out to comfort him and touching his hand. I couldn't believe I was doing that but it felt quite natural, I realised I still loved this guy, he was hurting and I felt it for him. Fucking hell!

"Adi's the last person on earth to want to see someone else. But I do know what you mean she does seem a little different lately as thought she's worried about something." I say.

"Could you speak to her Franky? Please?" he almost begged it. "It's eating me away. If there is something wrong, why isn't she telling me, we tell each other everything. No secrets."

"I can't ask her Billie, it's up to you," I said.

"Please Franky I don't know what to do. May be she'll let on something to you. Then you can tell me where I'm going wrong and I can put it right" he said.

He was almost in tears and I could have cried for him.

"OK I'll ask her round here for coffee and see if she'll let me know anything" I said. "But please don't worry Billie, I'm sure its nothing and you're just building it up in your head" I said.

"Yeah maybe" he said. "What's this?" he said looking at a piece of paper I'd written on.

"Oh that's one of my songs. I've just been changing some of the lyrics. I wrote it ages ago" I said.

"Tuesday's Rain" said Billie Joe. "Good Title"

He quietly read the lyrics through and said, "That's about when Samuel died isn't it?"

Yeah it was a rainy Tuesday when he died. I was shocked that he realised that it was about my baby brother dying.

"Its very good you know," he said. "How about you show me the others" he asked.

"OK" I said. Suddenly I felt ready to show him my songs.

"You go on down to the basement" I told him "and I'll get us both another coffee."

When I arrived in the basement he was checking out all the photographs on the walls and laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I ask placing the coffees down on a small table by the sofa.

"Look at us there" he said as I went over to have a look

"We think we looked so cool" he said. "Look at Tre's green hair" he said "and why the fuck did I think blue looked great"

I laughed. " I love that photo," I said. "You all look so young and energetic and with high expectations. It's my favourite photo of you guys," I say.

"Shall I let you into a little secret?" said Billie Joe

"What?" I ask.

"No I'd better not, he'll kill me"


"Your dad." He laughed.

"Tell me" I said.

"I don't think I should" said Billie.

"You have to tell me now. You can't say that and then not tell me. TELL ME" I said playfully smacking his arm.

"No, best not" he said.

"You have to or I won't show you my songs," I said.

"OK but you never heard it from me" he said.

"I promise." I replied.

"Well you see Tre has his hair green in that picture," he said looking at my favourite shot.


"Well it wasn't the only hair he'd died green," he suddenly said.

"WHAT?" I shouted.

"Yep. He died his pubics green too"

"You're kidding. That's gross" and we started laughing.

"Yep he used it as a chat up line would you believe"

"Actually, I do believe. He probably chatted mum up with that one."

"No he'd stopped being green then thank goodness." He said turning away from the photographs. "Come on then lets have a look at these songs," he said looking at me. He had this weird look in his eyes.

I went over to get my folder out.

"What the fuck is all that?" said Billie.

"These are all my songs" I said confidently.

"All those are songs that you've written?" he asks.

"Yeah. They go right back to when I was about 12 or 13. They are in date order. Most of them have meaning" I say getting serious.

I take my coffee and start sipping at it while he opens the first page.

We are quiet for a while then he asks me to explain a few things. I can feel the heat from his body and can smell his usual aftershave and the leather from his jacket as we're sitting quite close. Oh my god, my feelings haven't changed at all for you I think glancing at his profile while he checked out my songs. I watch his hands with his tattoos on them as they flick through the pages and fight the urge to reach out and touch one. Will I ever get over you and be able to move on and find someone of my own? I want you for my own I thought but it was wrong, so wrong to think that. I'm destined to be single I think to myself. I'll probably still be single at 40 and still dreaming of Billie Joe. How ridiculous am I? Sad cow.

Billie actually sat and read through all my songs, all of them. We'd drunk three coffees and my wet hair had dried by the time he'd finished.

He closed the book and didn't say anything

"You need to do something with those," he said. "Even if you don't get to use them in your band I think you could do well getting others to sing some. You're an excellent songwriter Franky. Believe me." I did. How could I not believe Billie Joe after all the stuff he'd written?

"Whose the lost love?" he suddenly asked.

"What?" I said. Fuck.

"You mention a guy in some of the songs as though he was a forbidden love or a lost love?" said Billie looking at me.

"Oh, just some guy" I respond. You. I didn't even blush thank goodness.

"Well it's his loss," said Billie Joe "you're so talented you know" he said with sincerity.

"Thanks" I say as confidently as I could.

At that moment we heard the front door open.

"Anyone home?" Tre calls from the hallway.

"Yep we're down here dad," I shout up.

As he appeared in the doorway Billie whispered "Green Pubes" and then we burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" said Tre...

At Berkely High School Ellie noticed on the notice board that the school soccer team were looking for girls to train with them so that a girl's soccer team could be set up. This could be my chance she thought. She put her name down immediately.


That night..

Sammi's Journal - June 1990

I'm loving teacher training and am really happy at the moment. I just wish I had someone to share it with. I am 18 and have never been in love. I quite like David though. We've been out a few times but there isn't much spark there. All I want is someone to love and to love me back. Someone special...

Oh Mum thought Franky, that's how I feel...