Sequel: Forever

You And Me Together

Alyssa? Pregnant?

I sat on the stool, resting my head on the counter. I was still more than tired. My stomach jumped, making me groan.

"Aly, are you alright? You don't look so good." Claire said. I moaned, which didn't answer her question really. I was alive, and that was good enough for me. She pulled me up to sit up straight, and put the back of her hand on my forehead.

"Yeesh! You're hot!" She said. Joe smirked.

"I already knew that." He said. I offered a smile, which was soon covered by my hand. I ran to the bathroom, and bent my head over the toilet.


I groaned, wiping my mouth off. I washed my hands, and rinsed my mouth with some water.

"Aly, are you okay?" Katie asked, appearing in the doorway. I groaned, and shook my head.

"I feel horrible." I muttered. Joe walked past Katie, and over to me.

"Aly, sweetie. Are you alright?" He asked. The question of the day.

"I've been--" I started to say, then ran back over to the toilet.


I didn't have to see it to know that everyone made a face in disgust. They only had to see it. I had to feel it, see it, and taste it. Yuck!

"You're going back to bed." Joe said, picking me up bridal style. He carried me into my room, and laid me down on the top bunk. I just knew everyone was watching from the doorway.


"I am not sick!" I exclaimed to Claire. She shook her head.

"Even when you're sick, your more happy then this." She said, flipping through a book of illnesses. She asked a few questions, I answered them, and she flipped to the next page.

"Have you had sexual intercourse?" She asked, looking at me. I shot up, regretting it.

"What? No!" I shouted. She gave me a stern look.

"Are you telling the truth?" She asked. I nodded.

"If I'm lying, give me a pigs nose!" I said. She smiled a little, and flipped to another page.

"Well Aly... It says that the only thing wrong is that you're pregnent. And if you say you haven't had sex... Then I don't know." She said, standing up. I tossed my head back into the pillow. Trying to think. I tried replaying every moment in my head. No, I was never asleep when Gavin was around. And if I was, I was with Joe... And no, he has a purity ring...
I let my head shoot up. I swung my legs over the bed, and slid down. Everyone looked at me.

"Hey Aly! You're feeling better?" Kevin asked. I kept my gaze set on Joe. He smiled at me. It wasn't returned.

"Something wrong?" He asked, concerned. And yes, I realized how weird I probably looked right now.

"Oh no, just the fact that I'm freaking pregnent!" I shouted in his face. He jumped up, now mad also.

"Wait? You cheated on me?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No, but you took advantage of me." I said, trying to stay calm. He shook his head.

"I would never do that to you!" He said. I frowned.

"Not while you were sober." I stated. He froze.

"Y-you mean w-while I was drunk, I t-t-took adva-vantage of y-you?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"Yeah, and you begged me to stay with you." I growled. His face fell. He wasn't mad, I think now he was dissapointed in himself.

"Aly, I'm sorry." He said, trying to hug me. I stepped back. I couldn't forgive him... Could I? I was in love with him, and now... I was carrying his baby?
♠ ♠ ♠
On quizilla, everyone freaked. Ha ha.
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-Echo [Ash]